Desert Dingo Racing

The magic’s gone

I’m sure this will make sense as it relates to 1107 at some point.

Crusty came by the office and dropped off “Prepare to Win” (new copies go for $600) and “Tune to Win” ($14.95 new), by Carroll Smith, both published in the late 70s.

Mind you, I maintain that the internal combustion engine works “by magic” and expecting me to understand these is about the same as giving a chimpanzee a copy of “Godel, Escher and Bach” and expecting it to expound intelligently on self-referencing objects.

So here’s what Smith says on the first page of “Prepare to Win”.

“THERE IS NO MAGIC! The one basic truth of successful race car preparation bears repeating. THERE IS NO MAGIC. There is only logic, common sense, forethought, vast amounts of hard work and a fanatic dedication to the task at hand.”


Another work day this Sunday. Three weeks til our first race of the season.