Considering we only did the San Felipe and the Baja 1000, we still racked up 64 points and finished 7th in all the Class 11s competing.
Wait til we win both races next year.
Considering we only did the San Felipe and the Baja 1000, we still racked up 64 points and finished 7th in all the Class 11s competing.
Wait til we win both races next year.
Here’s a quickie video of us prepping all the vehicles on Race Day morning. We all headed across town in a caravan around 10:15 to line up for an 11:30 a.m.-ish start.
The neighborhood kids would hang out with us. I took some photos. You can check out the gallery here.
Another angle, courtesy of Aura 360 of our flight off the Red Bull jump in the Ensenada wash.
There’s been a lot of discussion (if you consider three of us instant messaging each other as “discussion”) about how much air Scott and Seth caught off the Red Bull jump in the Ensenada wash.
I think Richard thought it was about 12-18 inches. I maintained three feet, based on watching the video something like 50 times. I forget what Skid thought. I got a call from Eric Solorzano today and he maintains we could have jumped another Class 11.
Judge for yourself. I edited the full Ensenada Deportes video down to our jump. (I included a trophy truck for comparison).
I like this photo. It was the last time the car was clean.
To Be Called “Racer”: It’s the highest honor, and the Baja 1000 finds them.
ESPN Magazine online, November 25, 2008
In motorsports, there is one word above all others that exemplifies what our twisted metal, burning rubber, death-defying pursuit is all about. The term is never used lightly and bestowed upon only those have earned the right to wear it.