Desert Dingo Racing

Tag: Bradford Racing Products

  • Less than a week to SNORE’s Caliente 250

    Hi, I’m Bob and I’ll be your driver today…

    We’re starting to button up 1107 for SNORE’s Caliente 250 next Saturday. The front and rear bumpers, now with reinforcement so that they don’t crumple like tinfoil when you try to use them as a jack point, are installed. Richard returned from Bradford Racing Products in Prunedale with our rebuilt transmission and Bob and Scott got it reinstalled.

    Shawn hammered out the one usable fender salvaged from where we were sideswiped by a Trophy Truck No. 91 at the Mint 400 (thanks for that, multimillionaire racer and Aria casino president Bill McBeath) and we’ve got four good ones for the race.

    Once we’re back from the Caliente, Steve Bradford will build us a second transmission and give a “Transmission 101” class for all of us who want to see what goes into putting one together.

    Today, the engine goes in and more buttoning up. In the rain.

    Photos from Saturday’s work day here.

    P.S. Oh yes, the driver line up for the Caliente. Bob will reprise his role as driver from the Mint 400, with Creech as co-dog for the first 100 mile leg. Crusty will make his triumphant return to the car (not having been in it since the 2007 Baja 1000) with Cary as co-driver.

  • Line up for the Mint 400 announced

    Hunter S. Thompson

    Cursed road hooligan “Uncle” Ed Mahoney posted the starting lineup for Stock VWs (with his own commentary) for the upcoming Mint 400 in Vegas. As it stands we’re fifth off the line:

    #1121 Garey Leavitt (Clean Air, Welcome Back Kotter)

    #1106 Jeff Lee (Doing Good For Dogs, Eating Light Dust)

    #1111 Felipe Neri Sanchez (Fast At BAP But Can’t Drive “25”)

    #1101 Robert C. Johnson (Going For Two In Row)

    #1107 Richard Palasik (Look Out For Reckless Drivers)

    #1167 Scott Goodwin (When You Say Bugweiser, You’ve Said It All)

    #1191 Dave Cote (Pump Gas, Go Fast)

    #1102 Cory Vandermark (Hope He Makes It)

    #1100 Eddy Mahoney (Won’t Go Far In New Car)

    #1188 Mark Murrell (Smashing Ed’s Bumper By Mile 2)

    Boogity, Boogity, Boogity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Richard and Bob made a run to Bradford Racing Products in Prunedale and returned like conquering heros, bringing with them a replacement steering column, steering wheel, steering shaft, steering box, a Pitman arm (whatever that is), some extra long tie rods, three more fenders, a spare rear bumper and a front brake drum.

    We’re hoping to get our remanufactured shocks back from Bilstein by Saturday so we can do a major team meeting and work day on Sunday.

  • The story so far…

    Dave Dixon, man of action

    Dave Dixon, who grooved our tires and has an alcohol-fueled dune buggy.

    The goal was to do a shakedown cruise at Hollister Hills today in prep for the Battle at Primm outside Vegas next weekend.

    It didn’t quite work out that way.

    Bob and Richard made one run and couldn’t keep the car in second gear. They trailered 1102 and made a beeline to Bradford Racing in Prunedale. A quick test drive indicated a possible tranny rebuild is in order. Rich, Shawn, Bob and Creech headed back to Creech’s to drop the engine and transmission and speed it back to Bradford.

    On the way back through Felton, Dave Dixon, who grooved our front tires for the Baja 1000, saw everyone and joined the effort. He’s headed to his place to grab an ATV jack to help drop the engine. I suspect he’s also ordering food for folks, who’ve been wrenching or driving for the better part of the day.

    Shawn is providing updated via phone and SMS.

  • Transmission in hand

    Bob and Richard do the heavy lifing

    Bob and Richard doing the heavy lifting…

    We picked up our rebuilt transmission from Steve Bradford with Bradford Racing Products in Prunedale. He used the Super Beetle case and most if its innards, and modified the gearing per SCORE spec. Steve (who’s won the Baja 1000 in the past) and his son Travis also donated a couple of fenders, a rim and a new reverse lock out shifter. We’ll be dropping off our other spare Super Beetle case to have him build a another for us.

    Transmission and engine installation will likely be this Sunday. Shawn will be painting the replacement fenders. After that, Creech hauls the whole kit and kaboodle to the CHP to get it inspected in advance of getting it green stickered, which will allow us to run it on BLM land.

    Countdown to Battle at Primm has begun.