We pulled into San Diego late last night and slept in the parking lot of a very large big box chain store. This morning we met up early with Adolpho and crew with Econo Lube ‘n Tune and Brakes who saved our bacon last year.
Adolpho hooked us up with Jimmy and his guys at Big O Tires who did a laser alignment on 1102. We marked the alignment that they did and will realign the car to those marks if something goes haywire.
The banner (being modeled by Richard and Crusty) was created by JR Nichols, CEO of STS Graphics in Orange, California. JR also races Class 11s and I contacted him to do that and a Desert Dingo logo for the hood of the car. He took my primitive design idea for a banner and turned it into something 10x cooler than I could have ever imagined. We’ll hang it at the booth we’ll have on Contingency Row that we’ll share with the Federacion Mexicana de Diabetes.
We’ll be giving away 3,000+ boxes of crayons donated to us by the International Diabetes Federation, along with thousands of hero cards that have the car on one side and the warning signs of diabetes on the other side – in English and Spanish.
Here’s a shot of 1102 in the parking lot, pre-alignment:
P.S. We made it to Rosarito Beach and parked about a block from the beach. Tomorrow we take the car in for new custom-made brake pads that will stop the car as quickly as it now accelerates.