Desert Dingo Racing

Tag: Felton Remembers

  • Everyone loves a parade

    We are having no luck in the fender department.

    Crusty and Charlie took 1107 to the lumberyard parking lot Saturday morning, joining the Lompico Ghost Mountain Riders, military vehicles, fire trucks, bands and horses for the annual Felton Remembers parade.

    The staging area is something out of a Fellini movie. Not sure whether the Big Foot guy was there, or the 4H kids who shaved their sheep to look like giant poodles and dyed them pink and blue, but there’s always a tow truck with a totaled car on the back and a “DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE” banner. And the last entry is always the local Honey Pot truck.

    Can anyone tell me whether that’s a real falcon on that guy’s head? Parade photos are here. (Thank you Monica).

    We have some time til the next race, the KC Hilites Midnight Special race.