Desert Dingo Racing


  • And we take third overall in SNORE Class 11

    Our personal version of Dust to Glory.

    And we complete our first full season of racing with a podium finish in third place behind two amazing teams – Felipe Neri-Sanchez and Robert Johnson.

    Six SNORE races and the Baja 1000. Third in class at SNORE and 32nd out of 535 entries. Not too shabby for our first full season of racing. Richard Palasik, our driver of record for the SNORE series, will pick up our trophy at the awards ceremony at the Golden Nugget in Vegas on January 9.

    We have a lot planned for 2010. Stay tuned. And thank you for all your support.

  • Buttoning up 1107 for the SNORE 250

    As a matter of fact I do know which end of an impact wrench to hold.

    The SNORE South Point 250 is a week away and we’re buttoning up 1107. Crusty and Scott fiddled with the fuel pump pressure regulator. Carrie spray painted all the tools (so we can keep track of them) and packed the tool kits based on our laminated lists. Scott also installed the lights (we won’t need the night lights for Saturday’s race as it’s only two 60 mile loops.)

    Crusty’s been welding 3/8s inch diameter rod into the rims and Richard will take them to Dixon Tires to get all the tires put back on. Oh, and I pulled the tires, installed the fenders and then put the tires back on, you haterz.

    Car and equipment get loaded into Creech’s toy hauler Thursday night and we’re all wheels up gawdawful early Friday morning for the drive out to Vegas. This race is also the Stock Bug Challenge II, and we’ve got 13 Class 11s entered. Should be a good race. This race will have Richard and Crusty and Scott ‘n Carrie in the car. Roxanne and I will staff a checkpoint or road crossing for the bonus 25 team points.

    Some shots from today’s work day.

  • We’re still in 3rd and up to 25th overall. Also, sanding

    Shawn did this for about five minutes before I declared it “too hot” and we went in and played Baja on the xBox.

    It’s bad enough racing in the heat, but when it’s 100 on the front porch and we (ok, Shawn) is sanding on a white car in the glaring sun. Well, there are limits. We declared the body work “good enough for rock and roll” and headed inside, where it wasn’t much cooler.

    It’s too hot to write a blog post even. So I’ll just post this photo. We’re in third place in class and 25th overall out of 193 vehicles that have raced SNORE this season. Not shabby.

  • Did I mention our comm must be Mil-Spec?

    The brainstorming on a robust, long range race car to chase truck communications system for the Baja 1000 continues, this time between A.J. and me via instant messenger this morning:

    A.J.: Ok looks like we can build our own satellite pager with built in gps.  this little bad boy can do it all and all from the car. each message can be tagged with gps data so we’d know what the car is doing and where. automatically and ever few minutes. [link]

    Jim Graham: How much for a full up unit per car vs. renting the suckers?

    A.J.: Well we’d need to buy a modem for the car. set it up with sensors and just turn it on.  the system would automatically ‘ping’ us with it’s location and status at a rate we choose. the drivers could also operate it with a series of buttons to add pre-programmed messages and there is a voice option as well. that little box does it all.

    Jim Graham: So we might have a car with a blue screen of death?

    A.J.: Well I’d use the data911 cpu system I have. It has zero moving parts so it would be really hard to crash it. [link]

    Jim Graham: I didn’t understand half of what you just said.

    A.J.: That’s ok, you’re pretty.

    Jim Graham: Ok, I green light this.

    Since I’m not in the car for the KC Hilites Midnight Special, I’m volunteering to staff Road Crossing 11, which the closest one to the start/finish line. Fidel, who manages Class 11 Coalition and is the brains behind Unlimited Dirt, said he’d drop by with a “Ford Super Duty or Jeep XJ equipped w/ BBQ & ice chest…chips, dip, sausage, corn and Gordon Biersch.”

    I’m providing the marinated steaks. We’re going to set the standard by which all other Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiast (SNORE) flagged road crossings are judged.

  • Rust and flagging

    Rust gets everywhere.

    Richard, Bob and Crusty were kind enough to unbolt the light bar so I could take it home and start sanding it down. With a couple of months before the KC Hilites Midnight Special, we’re going through the car with fine-tooth comb. I’ll sand off all the rust, Richard will weld another support bar onto it (the entire light bar sort of fell off at the Mint 400 due to vibration) and then we’ll repaint the whole shooting match.

    We got word from SNORE that we’ll be flagging Road Crossing 11 – the last one before the start finish line – at the race. You get to see all the race cars, you get an official t-shirt, and it’s great to help the volunteer organizers of the race.