The Blue Circle would like to know what your plans are for World Diabetes Day. Learn more about the World Diabetes Day PSA Campaign.
Tag: The Blue Circle
The Blue Circle coloring pages
"Hi, I'm the Blue Circle!" Santa Cruz artist Eric Stettmeier AKA Bubba Shelby created the first super hero with diabetes. He’s also provided b/w coloring pages which you can download and print. The Blue Circle invites you to post a message for World Diabetes Day.You’ll notice our super hero is a youth, in recognition of the many children and teens with Type 1 diabetes. Every year in the United States alone, 13,000 children are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and more than 1 million American kids and adults deal with the disease every day.The Blue Circle will be making regular appearances to highlight the accomplishments of young people who are managing the challenges of diabetes. Please email to introduce someone the Blue Circle should know.