Desert Dingo Racing

Tag: World Diabetes Day PSA Campaign

  • World Diabetes Day PSA Campaign

    Richard is our crew chief and a Viet Nam vet. He developed diabetes as a result of being exposed to Agent Orange.

    Desert Dingo Racing, in cooperation with the International Diabetes Federation and, is sponsoring a WDD PSA Campaign, inviting people whose lives have been touched by diabetes to record their personal messages on  We’ll select 52 submissions to post on our website for a year-long campaign of education and encouragement. A new video will be featured each week to promote a different perspective on diabetes.

    Help spread the word.

    This is not a contest. It’s a chorus. The IDF estimates that more than 250 million people around the world have diabetes today. Each year an estimated seven million people are diagnosed with the disease and the global total is expected to increase to 380 million by 2029.

    People interested in participating in the PSA Campaign can sign up for a 12seconds account and post their message on the World Diabetes Day page at Submissions close at midnight (GMT-08:00) on World Diabetes Day, November 14. More information is available here . The invitation to participate has been translated into 18 languages (so far) by people just like you who have diabetes or who have a loved one who does. Diabetes touches us all.

    Please add your voice to this International effort to educate as many people as we can about diabetes. All it takes is 12 seconds of your time.

    This will be our third year running the  1000 as a drive-a-thon to raise money for IDF-sponsored education and awareness programs. We’re often asked why we’re the World Diabetes Day entry in the Baja 1000. Two members of our team have diabetes. Each of us have family members who are managing diabetes or who have died due to complications. We partnered with the International Diabetes Federation because our commitment to educating people about diabetes is very personal.