Desert Dingo Racing

Tear down commences

crustyweldingCrusty is welding.

One month to the first race of the season and we’re in full prep mode. Crusty, Bob, Heston and Stacey did a compression and leak down test on the engine. Found low compression in No. 4. Bob is prepping it for new rings.

ringjobBob and Heston, probably photographed before realizing the engine is due for a ring job.

Tracy, an EMT, will be upgrading our first aid kit. Apparently my idea of a Ace bandage and Q-tips isn’t going to cut it. Thank you, Stacey.

tillieboxTillie, sitting in the box of shirts, just like I told her not to do.

We’ve come into possession of some Desert Dingo Racing team t-shirts. I’ll be posting how to order them online soon. Until then, if someone wants one with a little cat hair on it, I think it’s an XL. Just shoot me an email at and it’s yours, if you don’t mind taking a photo of yourself wearing it so I can post it online. When I get the shopping page up, they’ll be $15 plus $2.50 shipping. (I’ll be doing it myself).

skullziptieI have no idea how this little guy got zip-tied to the co-driver side mirror.

Lastly, we’re implementing a process I saw during my last trip to Canepa Design in Scotts Valley. Any time we remove relatively small items from the car (the kinds of things that go missing pretty quickly if they’re not immediately re-installed), they go in zip lock baggies, get taped to a white board and get labeled.
