Desert Dingo Racing

Teardown commences

Bob Russell, Desert Dingo hero of the USA 500, back at work on 1107.

Bob, who drove the piss out of 1107 to get us across the finish line before we timed out last week, was back at it Saturday, jacking up the car as part of our standard disassembly after each race. We’re doing a complete engine rebuild. The nose will be cut off and replaced with a junkyard donor. We’re working on an change to the interior code named “Hartl Bend.” I figured out how to get my iPod Shuffle to work with the Rugged Radios comm system and had a nice chat with the dispatcher at the Soquel Conference Center down the road while doing a radio check.

A gallery of photos here.


One response to “Teardown commences”

  1. Paul Hartl

    “Hartl bend”, a nose job after Hartl’s lawn darting…unfortunately, I appear a little too frequently.