The team is working on bump stops today. Richard is putting the finishing touches on the adjustable seat rails. Shawn is rebadging the car 1101. Bob dropped off a spare rim that I’ll get over to Skip’s for the final spare. Here’s the schedule for next week, courtesy of logistics impresario Seth:
FRIDAY, 10:30 AM – 4:30 PM: Registration will be at the Banditos Bar and Grill, across from Tourism Office, on Mar de Cortez Ave.
FRIDAY 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Contingency Row
FRIDAY 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM: Tech Inspection at the end of Contingency Row.
SATURDAY 6:00 AM: M/C and ATV Start (30 sec. gaps)
SATURDAY 10:00 AM: 4 wheel vehicles start (30 sec. gaps)
We are in starting position 148 (approx) for 4 wheel vehicles, which means we will start our race at approx. 11:14AM, and will have until 11:14 PM to finish.
OK, this doesn’t have anyting to do with Baja, but it’s a great NASCAR commercial. Going to have to find a diecast VW.