I’m smyzing.
A whole bunch of us spent three days in Beatty and Valley of Fire, Nevada, shooting video for a thing we can’t talk about yet, but which will be pretty cool. And I think we get to announce it when we’re down in Mexico, winning the Baja 1000.
We finally got to meet 1107B, which made the trip out from GFP Motorsports in Virginia. Thank you Cyrus Roohi.
Crusty in repose.
Between flash floods and a fire at a nuclear waste storage facility aptly named U.S. Ecology, we weren’t able to film at our first location and used a fallback over by the start of the Vegas to Reno race.
Romy did a lot of powersliding.
From there it was an eight hour death march (rerouted because of radiation fire and flashfloods) south to Valley of Fire State Park for another day of driving through a wash that looks like it came straight out of Mars.
We raked away all our ruts when we were done.
I headed out after day three, but the rest of the film crew was at it through the rest of the week. Can’t wait to see the final piece.
So many uses for drones.
You can see all the photos from the shoot here. Onward to packing for the 1000.