Desert Dingo Racing

Visiting Casa Esperanza


I think we got us a new co-driver.

We didn’t get much time to wrench on 1107 today (though the team is installing a new master brake cylinder and brake lines as I write this), but we were kept pretty busy.

We started the day getting in line (FIRST!) for a 10 a.m. roll cage inspection by SCORE officials. When they hadn’t shown by 11 a.m. we bailed (they showed up 15 minutes later, natch.)

From there we joined up with Dennis Hollenbeck and 1121 and headed to Casa Esperanza, a shelter for women and children escaping abusive relationships. Dennis and Deb, our hosts for the Baja 1000, work with the organization and host groups that come to Baja to build new homes for them.


One of the shelter dogs wants to know what I’m doing.


We brought six years worth of contingency decals that will never go on the car. We brought loads of World Diabetes Day cartons of crayons, and we brought tempera paint.


Chuck Gianni buckles in a couple of our trainee drivers.

Once all the kids got out of class, they piled into 1107 and 1121. They always seem to find the horns pretty quickly.


While we were goofing off outside, Deb Hollenbeck and friends were preparing lunch. Which was fantastic.


I killed some time signing autographs, probably leaving kids with the mistaken impression I actually have driven the car. Ever.


After lunch, we got to work. Toby painted hands, the rest of the team escorted kids to 1107 and 1121, and we started to painting.


We painted this.


The kids even gave us a blessing at the end. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the Suburban on the drive back.


The finished car.


We drove back to Las Dunas Hotel, found the team doing cage tests, paid 250 samoleans and got our cage tested and approved.

Wednesday we pick up fuel, register, wrench more on the car and possibly attend a party.

Note from Mrs. 1107: The hand printing is inspired by this video by the Diabetes Hands Foundation. Many PWD prick their fingers 4 or more times a day.

The hand prints are in observance of World Diabetes Day, Thursday November 14.  And the car’s wheels have the blue circle, which is the universal symbol for diabetes. .