Desert Dingo Racing

We are southbound to the border

Tijuana is in sight.


6 responses to “We are southbound to the border”

  1. Jim Reynolds

    Safe travel and good luck to the whole team. Jim (Charlie’s Dad) Reynolds

  2. GlassKitchen

    Good luck guys, so happy you are going for it. Will be following your progress for the next three days!

  3. Kevin L. McMahon

    Adios amigos!!!

  4. SunburnSarah

    Fingers crossed, candles lit, fruit on the alter… all wishes of good luck being sent through the radar waves southward to you guys……


  5. gingeronfire

    No matter the outcome, enjoy the hell out of the process. That being said, get out there and show em!

  6. sandi

    Uh oh… 2 hours ago timing & tuning race to begin in 45 minutes & no more updates…hope things are going well, we are all watching from HOPE