Technically, we won Sunday at Prairie City. And, by “win”, I mean we finished second in all three motos, which was enough, points-wise, to give us a first place finish for the day. I don’t even want to talk about Saturday.
We like to show up early for our motos. Like half an hour early. And then just sit in the grass. It has nothing to do with me reading the schedule wrong.
The weekend started off early, on Friday morning, with our arch rivals Two Larrys Racing getting two live TV interviews on Good Day Sacramento. I missed the first one, but on the second, Anchor Melissa Cabral had Larry G drive over an indestructible wallet. Then she made everyone dance, which was awesome.
Ziv Marom of ZM Interactive and his partner Brenda Dos Santos came out to film us Class 11s racing Saturday morning with his Cinestar 12 remotely piloted video helicopter.
It goes without saying Ziv got first class treatment.
He’s putting together a video now, but here are three of the teaser photos.
Why do we always have to be in last place?
Ok, awesome.
Prairie City from space.
Heston Schmucker, who’s building his own Class 11, even though I specifically asked him not to, figured out we were running carburetor jetting for 7,000 feet, instead of the 218 feet above sea level of Prairie City, robbing us of precious horsepower.
There’s a new new guy on the team and his name is Ralph. Actually, there’s two new new guys but I didn’t get a photo of Rosh. Dude is like a ninja.
Jen and Carmen during the Powder Puff race with me in the timing tower on the spotter radio yelling “NO SHOWBOATING!”
Another angle of Jen and Carmen disrespecting my authority.
Photographic proof our arch rivals Green Booger won the coveted Bug Invasion trophy earlier this year.
Romy is so fired.
Thank you to Ziv Marom, Brenda Dos Santos, Krait_99 and Carmen’s son Seamus and his wingman Bodhi for photos used in this post.