Desert Dingo Racing

What’s in a name?….err…number?

We had some discussion about car numbers over the weekend. While we have super secret code names (DS-1, DS-2 etc). We need official car numbers to race. I pinged the Class 11 Coalition forums and so far the info is pick one and hope for the best. In looking at a few of the pics on various Class 11 sites I get an idea of what is likely taken. So far I’ve seen cars with 1101, 1110, 1111, 1146, 1169, 1183, 1189, etc.

I looked up some police radio codes and found some good candidates. I’m partial to 1125 (Traffic Hazard!)

11-24 Abandoned automobile.
11-25 Traffic hazard.
11-48 Furnish transportation.
11-54 Suspicious vehicle.
11-71 Fire.
11-85 Tow truck required.

Anyone else have ideas?



3 responses to “What’s in a name?….err…number?”

  1. Jim

    I’m down with 1125 for DS-1 and 1154 for DS-2.

    Those are great.

  2. blackrockskid

    Word is that SCORE assigns you a number based on your starting position. Other orgs do not.

    The plot thickens…


  3. Jim

    Fine. We need placeholder numbers and I say we go with the ones we like until SCORE says otherwise. It’s not like there’s a ton of Class 11s out there.