Desert Dingo Racing

Wheels up for Yerington

This year’s course includes a short cut. The math required will make my head asplode.

Crusty and 1107 are wheels up for Yerington. I got word our rat rod race hauler overheated at the Highway 17 summit and the owner of Casa del 17 wanted to charge Crusty $20 for a gallon of water. Not cool. Crusty’s next stop is Sparks, Nevada, where he’ll get our shocks topped off with nitrogen.

VORRA has released the GPS file of the course. I’ve reformated it to Google KML and am “flying” the course in Google Earth. If you’re interested, here’s how you can, too.

1. Download the Yerington 300 KML file.
2. Load it in Google Earth.
3. Click on the triangle to the left of Temporary Places.
4. Click on the triangle to the left of GPS device.
5. Click on the triangle to the left of Tracks.
6. Click on the triangle to the left of Trail 1.
7. Click on Path.
8. Look down toward the bottom of the left column for a little icon of three diamonds connected by a line. Click the triangle to the right of that icon.

It’s just that simple. If you’re a total nerd, you can bump up the flight speed by selecting Google Earth Preferences, click on the Touring tab, and plug 269 into the Speed box.