Desert Dingo Racing

Where’s Macgyver when you need him?

The spirits of the forest consult with Scott and Charlie on the proper way to winch 1117 sideways as they practice in anticipation of their initial leg of the race.

Scott and Charlie will be driving the third leg of the race (RM 203 to RM 305) which pre-runners say will be a “weeding out” section for a good number of racers. It’ll be dark, they’ll climb nearly 4,000 feet and the pre-runner data is marked with lots of little skull and crossbone symbols, indicating things that can take a car out of the race.

That being the case, Scott, Charlie and Carrie (for moral support) came by last night to practice jacking, levering and winching 1117 in anticipation of what they’ll face in Baja.

I swear the fog in the above photo was not there when I took it. Photos of winching here.

P.S. Radios, antennas and rally logger mount arrived yesterday.