Desert Dingo Racing

Who I’m tracking live at the 2010 Baja 1000

Nine time Baja 1000 winner Eric Solorzano saving our bacon, yet again.

Roger Norman – TT No. 8
Very good guy. Community oriented. Does the occasional VORRA race. Has never nerfed us. Also runs TrailGlow (our sponsor) illuminated number panels. First off the line and iron-manning the whole race. Pre-ran something like 5,000 miles.

Robby Gordon – TT No. 1
I’m pretty sure it’s in the U.S. Constitution that you have to follow Robby Gordon.

Josh Hall – TT No. 61
A new TT by Baja Legend Rod Hall. Should be interesting to see how it does.

Torchmate Racing – No. 601
Torchmate created the super heavy trophy we got for winning the inaugural Xtreme Outlaws 250 Reno race that’s sitting on my desk. They race VORRA.

Emily Sturgess Miller – Stock Full H1 Alpha No. 861
Racing an H1 Alpha Hummer. Does Gazelles.

Rod Hall
He’s doing seat time in the new trophy truck (#61) and and the H1 Alpha (#861). He’s in Wikipedia under “badass.”

Dennis Webb & Yolo Racing – 5/1600 Baja Bug No. 554
We’ve hung out at a previous 1000. They’re Canadian. Cool guys.

Sarabia Aja – Class 5/1600 Baja Bug No. 1645
Sarabia races with Felipe (see below). He and I yammer like little old ladies via Instant Messenger. He’s co-dogging the first 385 miles or thereabouts. Drivers are Hector Sarabia, Eliseo Garcia and Federico Montes.

Felipe Neri Sanchez & Turtle Speed Racing – No. 1214
We’ve raced against Felipe in SNORE. He and his team are great people. They beat us.

All the Class 11s, natch
Eric Solorzano, mentor and arch rival – No. 1100
Scott Wisdom – No. 1103
Matt Cullen – No. 1102
Alfonso Lacerra – No. 1101


One response to “Who I’m tracking live at the 2010 Baja 1000”

  1. Erik Pacheco

    You were not tracking the overall winner?