This is pretty much what our work days look like.
Work day tomorrow. Bill “The New Guy” Rickard is going to make a first stab at rewiring 1107. The car was remarkably undamaged from the short course racing. We should remedy that late May at our first desert race of the season in Yerington.
Finally finished Carroll Smith’s “Prepare to Win” that Crusty loaned me. Chapter titles like “The care and feeding of a race engine,” “Basic metal work” “Plumbing and plumbing stuff.”
Here’s his take on painting:
“It is necessary to be practical when it comes to painting the race car. Race cars tend to crash a lot. And when they crash they need to be repainted. This rules out lots of coats of hand-rubbed lacquer. It also rules out elaborate multi-color paint schemes. The most practical approach is two colors…and stick on vinyl striping.”
And this on wiring and electrical:
“I have a tendency to look on anything having to do with electricity and/or electronics as a disaster waiting to happen. Care must be taken in running wires from the dash to where ever they go to and come from. It is desirable to have as few wires as possible (If it’s not there, it can’t fail). Since it takes me hours to figure out how to wire the most simple car – and I know full well I will never be able to remember how I did it – I make a wiring diagram for each car and I color code the wires. Then I never let the diagram out of my sight until the car is no longer my responsibility.”
A wiring diagram. That’s crazy talk.