Then take a palm of one hand and pull it out in the nose. Order now for best deals, Check out the complete list of Biochemic or Schuessler cell salts here. It furnishes vitality to the epithelial tissues. The human body contains 12 biochemic minerals present in every cell whose correct balance is essential for the proper functioning of body tissues. Face shining, as if greasy. Constipation with dull headache and profuse tears. Dysentery with cramp-like pains, angina pectoris, sciatica with excruciating spasmodic pains, angina pectoris, sciatica with excruciating spasmodic pain writer's and piano-player's cramps. Deficiency in this salt causes the disturbance of water in the human organism. Magnesia patient is always languid, tired and easily exhausted. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The most important symptom is obdurate and stubborn cough Mucous choking the nasal and sinuses, causing pain in the nose Dry cough in the morning seems to be gagging. Please get in touch with us via the 'contact' button. It is a remedy to be thought of in all maladies having their origin in nerve cells and in the muscular tissue. Reckeweg Biocombination Tablets BC5 is an essential body salt indicated for Coryza. Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC5 Contains: It is also called ‘Vegetable Sulphur‘.The name Lycopodium is derived from the word ‘lucos’ which means wolf and ‘pes’ meaning the foot, since the shoots appear like wolf’s foot. Kali Sulph is a carrier of oxygen. Blood clotted. Find Complete Homeopathic Medicine List A to Z here… Calcium Fluoratum. 6. The deficiency of this salt allows the fibres to contract, causing spasms, cramps, convulsions and other nervous phenomena. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The human body contains 12 Biochemic minerals present in every cell whose correct balance is essential for the proper functioning of body tissues. Each combination works for a specific set of symptoms or a specific condition like coryza, cough, fever, constipation, diarrhoea, dentition etc. Get leading brands of Homeopathic products, and connect online with over 800 homeopaths across India. Learn how your comment data is processed. An unequal distribution of water in the system sometimes causes excessive dryness of mucous membranes in some part, while there may be a copious, watery fluid from another part. Infections Coryza is usually acute and sometimes chronic, highly infectious disease of chickens, occasionally pheasants and guinea-fowl. For catarrhal affections with thin, clear, transparent, watery secretions, influenza, hay-fever, diarrhoea, constipation, leucorrhoea, intermittent fevers and skin diseases. Naturm Mur will set things right and will establish equilibrium. Indeed, biochemic medicines are mostly prescribed for a few days to few weeks, depending on the requirement of the patient. Bioplasgen 7 (Sugar) Diabetes ka ilaj ذیابیطس کا علاج Composition Attacks are often attended with great prostration, sometimes with profuse sweat. In general, yellow deposit on the tongue is the guiding symptom for prescribing this biochemic medicine. It helps in managing the rising sugar levels due to internal secretion. The chief indication for this remedy is yellow deposit on the tongue. The value of this remedy is shown in all forms of spasms, cramps, tetanus. It is the remedy for the neuralgic pains in the head, face, teeth, car, stomach, abdomen and spasmodic palpitation of the heart, dysmenorrhoea. Amenorrhoea - menstruation too late and too scanty with weight and fullness in the abdomen. Kali Sulph is a carrier of oxygen. Kalium Sulphuricum 3x – Kali sulph is similar to Ferrum phos. In chickens it is caused by a bacterium – specifically Avibacterium (haemophilus) paragallinarum.. For those of you who like scientific details, the bacterium is a Gram negative rod shaped bacillus and belongs to the Pasteurella family.A similar disease plagues turkeys, pheasant and quail, but it is believed to be a separate bacterium. Shop Here. 1. It is indicated in headache, toothache, face-ache, stomach-ache and also where there is either salivation or hyper secretion of tears or vomiting of water and mucus. You take an anti histaminic and you are fine for some hours. The disease is seen only in chickens; reports of the disease in quail and pheasants probably describe a similar disease that is caused by a different etiologic agent. Abnormal appetite. 5. It acts upon the lymphatic system, the blood, liver, spleen and upon the mucous lining of the alimentary canal. Small watery blisters, breaking and leaving a thin crust. It furnishes vitality to the epithelial tissues. Key attributes of Bio-Combination 5 are Coryza, thick white discharge from nose, headache due to cold. (Magnesia Phosphorica / Magnesium Phosphate). Common cold is a viral infection of your nose and throat (upper respiratory tract). Diarrhoea with transparent, frothy, slimy stools. It is useful in inflammatory, febrile Catarrhal condition, coryza with dull headache, sneezing, watery discharge. Dosage – Adults 4, Children: 2 tablets of Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC 05 four times daily, or at intervals of 3 hours. It's usually harmless, although it might not feel that way. All pains are lightening-like, shooting or boring, and change their location frequently. Painful burning pustules below septum of nose, afterwards confluent and covered with a scab. Infectious coryza is a serious bacterial disease of chickens which affects respiratory system and it is manifested by inflammation of the area below the eye, nasal discharge and sneezing. When a cold begins with coryza, Mercurius is a valuable remedy. View all posts by HOMEOMART, free of any side effects or contra indications. Kalium Muriaticum 3x – Kali mur is a salt indicated for catarrh conditions and glandular swelling on the nose membrane, which can prevent the disease from moving forward. It is useful in inflammatory, febrile Catarrhal condition, coryza with dull headache, sneezing, watery discharge. It helps carry oxygen to the blood. It is a constituent of muscles, nerves, brain, bone, spine, teeth and blood corpuscles. Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x – Ferrum phos is present in the makeup (composition) of hemoglobin. Leucorrhoea with watery, smarting or clear, starch-like discharge, gleet, coryza with loss of smell and taste, follicular catarrh of the pharynx, thrush with salivation, diphtheria with drowsiness, inflammation of uvula with elongation, catarrh of the bladder, impotence, prostatic fluid, paralysis, chorea, chlorosis, insomnia, pneumonia with loose rattling phlegm, intermittent fever, especially after abuse of quinine. 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If you are exposed to dry cold wind in winter and then catch cold, cough, tonsils or fever you can use HEPAR SULPH. Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes with secretion of transparent, watery, frothy mucus. 28 biochemic combination tablets for homoeopathic practitioners. Face yellowish, pale, livid, earthy. N. O. Ericaceae. Dyspepsia with slimy yellow coating of the tongue, catarrh of the bowels, diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, ophthalmia etc; with light yellow, watery secretions; dandruff; yellow scales in skin diseases. Clavatum is derived from the Latin word ‘clavatus’ meaning club-like. Uva-Ursi. Coryza with headache & sneezing. at homeomart – India’s No.1 online homeopathy medicine store. Based upon the tissue affinity and symptoms, the cell salts have been combined in 28 different combinations containing 3 to 5 medicines. This salt is well indicated for skin conditions. Morbidity is high but mortality low if uncomplicated, although it may be up to 20… Natrum Sulph Dilution is a homeopathic medicine containing Sulphate of Sodium-Glauber s Salt. Indications: Articular and muscular rheumatism inflammatory and febrile complaints, stiff neck, rheumatic pain in shoulders, shifting, wandering pains, twitching, cramps, writers and players cramps, cracking of joints, lumbago and sciatica. In fact these anti allergic medicines are used to treat all sorts of allergies, whether nasal or skin. Dry coryza, sometimes in morning only. 5. HEPAR SULPHURIS: It is the medicine for winter season. ANTIMONIUM ARS works best if the person is having breathlessness due to accumulation of lot of mucus in chest after having cold food or drinks or change of weather. Conjunctivitis with clear watery discharge. Biocombination 5: Controls coryza and related problems. As yellowish secretions happen in the third stage of inflammation, this tissue salt chiefly acts well in the third stage of inflammation. For third stage of inflammatory or catarrhal condition; leucorrhoea; diarrhea; skin diseases; rheumatism; ulcerations; dyspepsia. Now Shop for the complete list of Biochemic medicines from leading brands like Dr.Reckeweg, Schwabe, SBL etc. Published September 5, 2018, Last updated November 17, 2018. This salt is a constituent of every liquid and solid part of the body. Calcium Fluoride is commonly known as Calc Fluor. Tincture of fresh leaves gathered in autumn. It is indicated in conditions where too much water or dryness appears in the system. Arctostaphylos UVA URSI.Bearberry. Incessant thirst. Chronic catarrh with deafness is needed to prescribe Manganum Aceticum. Face. Introduction and History: Lycopodium is a magical, constitutional, deep acting remedy for chronic diseases. Quality & Reliability you can trust. The chief indication for this remedy is yellow deposit on the tongue. It helps to create the white fibres of the muscles and nerves. Natrum Muriaticum 3x -has affinity with water distribution. The conventional treatment of allergic rhinitis is to keep giving anti-allergic medicines or antihistaminics like Cetrizine or Levocitrizine. It is a biochemic combination of Ferrum phosphoricum 3x, Kali muriaticum 3x, Natrum muriaticum 6x and Kali sulphuricum 3x in equal proportion. Reckeweg Biocombination Tablets BC5 is an essential body salt indicated for Coryza. Infectious Coryza is characterised by catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, especially nasal and sinus mucosae. It uses water and albumen to form the transparent fluid, which nourishes the white threads and fibres of nerves and muscles. Mostly Practitioners recommend and practiced to use only 3x and 6x biochemic medicines, while only Silicea in 12x. Bodybuilding add-ons in India, Homeopathy L.M Potency, 50 Millesimal Medicines list, Buy Online, Top Homeopathy Medical Shop in Bangalore. The disease is found all over the world causing high economic losses. (Natrum Muriaticum / Sodium Chloride / Common Rock Salt). Contiunous thick, white discharge from the nose or bronchial tubes due to inflammation of the mucous membranes. Economic loss is due to stumping off and reduction of egg production in case of laying chickens. There are many types of viruses, bacteria, fungus, dust and allergens, particles etc. It is also a valuable remedy for flatulent colic forcing the patient to bend double. Face : Paleness of complexion, with red cheeks.-Tearing in maxillae.-Semilateral, tearing pains in face. Kali bich: The homeopathic medicine Kali bich is given on the following physiological conditions. It ensures a balance of moisture throughout the organism. By Dr Harsh Sharma, DHMS, BHMS. Biochemic Tablets ... For those individual having pale skin because of anaemia.This medicine is one of the best food supplement or biochemic remedy and used also as a tonic for pregnant women and have no question about its curative activity on spinal cord. Contra Indications of Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC5 : they are not recommended for anyone who is lactose intolerant. It is a liver remedy, especially indicated for the so-called hydrogenoid constitution, where the complaints are such as are due to living in damp houses, basements, cellars. It depends on patient condition and situation to use the frequency and potency of medicine dose. It is widely used among patients with type ii diabetics. They tend to provide temporary relief. Infectious Coryza is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus paragallinarum and is seen in many countries especially in multi-age farms that are never depopulated. Using Biochemic Tissue Salts Due to a lack of supporting research, it's too soon to recommend biochemic tissue salts in the treatment of any health condition. Tincture or trituration of dried leaves and fruit. The Biochemic Tissue Salts or remedies are used in one system of alternate medicine which was developed by Dr. W.H.Schuessler, a German doctor. Get Wholesale Supplies at best deal, Quick & Safe Muscle gain with Homeopathy. 7. Violent coryza, fluent or dry, with loss of smell and taste, and sneezing. ... Fluent coryza. It exists more largely in the aqueous humour of the eyes and the crystalline lens. Composition: CP3x, FP3x, KS3x, MP3x, NS3x. For this take half a glass of lukewarm water and mix one spoonful of sweet soda or a pinch of salt. Bleeding of nose (when coughing at night) when stooping. Infectious coryza is an acute respiratory disease of chickens characterized by nasal discharge, sneezing, and swelling of the face under the eyes. It is found worldwide. Below is the list of disorders where this cell salt truly acts as a best biochemic medicine: Skin eruption It has the ability to draw oxygen from inhaled air and carry it to the blood Uva-Ursi | Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke. It has been given in bronchitis with yellow, slimy or thin, watery expectoration, in whooping cough, pneumonia pthisis, skin diseases with a sticky yellowish secretion and peeling off of the epidermis. Noted German biochemist Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler propounded that deficiency in any one mineral would lead to a disturbance in the cell life that creates a favorable environment for bacterial growth and thus illness is created.Check out the complete list of Biochemic or Schuessler cell salts here, Biochemics are also known as tissue salts or cell salts and are recommended in low decimal potencies for correcting deficiencies at cell level, They are made of lactose (milk sugar) and are chewable. Please get in touch with us via the 'contact', Website © 2010 designed and hosted by Dr Atiq Ahmad Bhatti for Tissue Salts. It is particularly indicated in lean, thin, emaciated persons of a highly nervous temperament. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unless prescribed other wise, Outside India? Action of Biochemic medicine in Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination 5 Kalium muriaticum - 3x: sinus pains, ear pains, sore throat, a hard cough with white mucus, and sore throats as well. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c] Coryza, fluent or dry; sensation of coldness in nose when inspiring air; nose painful when breathing, as from inhalation, of cold air of acrid vapors; SORE CRACKED AND CRUSTY NOSTRILS and corners of mouth; stupefying dull headache, especially on forehead. Before we discuss the best homeopathic medicines for chronic sinusitis, it is important that we understand a few basic things about sinusitis. Deficiency of this salt produces malnutrition, emaciation and anaemia. Its function is to regulate the degree of moisture within the cells. The human body contains 12 biochemic minerals present in every cell whose correct balance is essential for the proper functioning of body tissues. Light yellow, sticky and watery secretions are the characteristics of this remedy. Nose : Coryza, with obstruction of nose.-Violent sneezing in the night.-Slight tearing in root of nose with irritation to sneeze and cough. Bioplasgen 7 tables are very effective Homeopathic medicine for Diabetics Control. It is present in all cells that contain iron. Every coryza ends with bronchitis especially curable with this Homeopathic Remedy. Light yellow, sticky and watery secretions are the characteristics of this remedy. [ November 19, 2020 ] Seven habits of highly effective medical teachers Homeopathic Education [ November 19, 2020 ] Counselling Schedule for BHMS BAMS admission 2020-21 BHMS [ November 12, 2020 ] Mental Diseases and their Modern Treatment by Talcot Homoeopathy Books Mercurius- There is a profuse coryza which extends to the frontal sinuses, burning in eyes and nose, acrid discharge, violent sneezing, and tendency to perspiration which aggravates. It is a biochemic remedy of highest importance. St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, spasmodic retention of urine, paralysis agitans, hiccup, whooping cough, chorea. It properly distributes the water through the organism. We ship to US, UK and all other countries worldwide through expedited international shipping, Go to the complete list of Reckeweg Homeopathic products R1-R89 here, If you have any question about Dr.Reckeweg-Germany Homeopathy products or want advise on a medical condition requiring homeopathic treatment, please leave your comment below (in the comments section) and we will respond, We are - India's largest multi-brand online Homeopathy medicine Store. Biochemic medicines are also crafted on the same principle; minimal amount of the tissue salts is used to triturate and develop the medicine. Sinusitis. Tongue clean, slimy, small bubbles of frothy saliva on sides. Hydrastis, Kalium Bichromicum, Kalium Iodatum, and Viola Odorata are the remedies in general useful for Eustachian tube infection. In humans, the cold is viral in nature. This renders the medicine completely safe for use, even at repeated doses. 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