These, alterations may be reflected in the health, cognitive abilities, and the performance of the, individual (Kooij et al, 2008). With access to the long-term experience of MNCs employing expatriates and the related large-scale research done among such expatriates, we already know a great deal about issues such as adjustment problems, training needs and repatriation challenges. control purposes in the regression analysis. Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice: An Introduction of Applied Sociolinguistics Linguistic Features of Language Pages: 21 (6233 words) Racial Diversity Pages: 2 (569 words) How Diversity Relates to Education Pages: 3 (828 words) How Diversity of Faith is Effectively Used in Nursing Care Pages: 4 (1135 words) Equality and Diversity in the Law Pages: 3 (706 words) Employee Diversity Assignment Pages: 5 (1426 words) Hence, the chronological age may be a too simplified construct to account for all age-related. This organic linguistic authenticity is a significant feature of the volume, uncommonly found in multilingualism and bilingual education literature. Johnson, J., and Newport, E. (1989), 'Critical period effects in second language learning: The. Teachers lead classrooms with a mix of students who may be fluent in English, learning English as a second language, or bilingual. (2011), 'Older workers and active ageing in France: the changing early, Greller, M.M., and Simpson, P. (1999), 'In search of late career: A review of contemporary. The Index of Linguistic Diversity: An Overview of a New Measure of Trends in the World’s Languages* The Index of Linguistic Diversity (ILD) is the first-ever quantitative measure of global trends in linguistic diversity. We argue that the presence of, high linguistic diversity would result in more communication in the common language, compared to organizations with low linguistic diversity. At the same time globalization, leads to a pressure for internationalization with great consequences for internal, collaboration in many organizations. The Ethnologue language inventory contains endangerment information for all languages (though this is not always up to date). With regard to leadership dimensions, humane-oriented leadership was a positive predictor of preference for a collective culture, which predicts diversity management ratings. Extant studies have provided useful theories and empirical documentation on how to manage global virtual teams. Therefore, we surveyed 71 spouses of self-initiated expatriates in Denmark regarding two relevant self-perceptions and how they were associated with their adjustment. This creates problems for the correct administration of the organization’s procedures and in administrating a shared jargon, increasing costs related to the procedures. ADVERTISEMENTS: Here is your essay on linguistic diversity in India ! While studies based on Social Identity Theory perceive the link between identity and language to be linear, this article takes a different approach. We also found that older individuals, speak less English than their younger counterparts. Linguistic Diversity Office of Undergraduate Retention Brown Bag Lunch Series March 31, 2017 Becky Butler and Katya Pertsova with Amy Reynolds and Simon Wolf. The authors examine the intrinsic and complex characteristics of multilingual societies and bilingualism, discuss historical and current issues of multilingualism and language teaching, and present models of bilingual education. Accordingly, the use of virtual media for internal knowledge sharing is now more important than ever before. richness, cultural distance and language commonality'. On the other hand, the age of, organizational members had a clear direct association with English inter-individual. All rights reserved. The geographic distribution of languages indicates concentrations in regions of high biodiversity (Fig. Accordingly, if the frequency of the daily use of the corporate language is to be improved, training and motivation efforts should primarily be directed at the older generation . There were positive relationships between linguistic diversity and English, inter-individual communication (beta=.15; p<.01) and perceived use of English language by, management (beta=.31; p<.001). linguistic diversity, they will show that formal, hypothesis-driven research often gives us a more accurate picture of cross-linguistic variation than does typology based on sources which do not use a hypothesis-driven approach. Collectivism and assertiveness were both strong predictors with regard to participant's ratings of chief executive officer (CEO) support of diversity and the organization's overall diversity training. In South African classrooms, there are cases where the dominant mother tongue . In other words, while languages can be astonishingly different from one another—and this is why it is important for linguists to study languages of as many different types as possible—there are nonetheless features that unite all languages as different manifestations of the human language ability. Linguistic diversity in schools page in the Research Unit for Multilingualism and Cross-Cultural Communication site. While this has a great effect on the daily life of organizational, members, inter-organizational language heterogeneity is one of the aspects of demographic. throughout this paper is to analyse, develop and discuss one of the four dialects that constitute American English, the one known as 'Northern American English' and its main sub-dialects. The moderating effect of the age of, organizational members is stronger for older than for younger members of the organization, irrespective of whether the linguistic diversity is low or high. ... (PDF… members, chronological aging could be argued to be a useful measure. Another domain that is of strategic importance is linguistic diversity and multilingualism that UNESCO promotes in all fields of its mandate, through an interdisciplinary approach involving all programme sectors: education, culture, science, communication and information and social and human sciences. They bring this diversity to school from all over the world. be weaker for older organizational members than for younger. The group comprises members from organisations representing people with disability from CALD backgrounds and other key interest and advisory groups. What has been chosen to do, Abstract This paper seeks to substantiate two fundamental claims of Cognitive Grammar (CG) with regard to for-to complement clauses used in verbal complementation. A positive relationship was found between linguistic, diversity and both English inter-individual communication and perceived use of English, language by management. Differences among Languages. There is growing evidence that the use and management of language have important implications in international organizations. It thus seems that in organizations, with high linguistic diversity, compared to younger individuals, older individuals may, perceive the management to use English less consistently. Languages and Identities in Transition 9. We also, found age to moderate the relation between linguistic diversity and perceived use of, English language by management. Yasukata, Y. In section 2 we tease out the existing legal provisions vis-à-vis linguistic diversity and its exclusion. Originality/value English Inter-Individual Communication was assessed by the mean score of two direct, questions : “Over the last two-week period, what percentage of time did you speak English. Hence, a high mix of different languages could be the way forward if the, organization wants to improve communication in the corporate language. communication, it had an indirect association with that variable through the interaction term, linguistic diversity x age of organizational members. This last effect may be explained by the Self-affirmation Theory . --Portland State University, 1999. The results of the study indicate that promoting a more collectivist rather than individualistic culture is associated with the increased rating of organizational diversity practices. The results can, in general, have a positive impact, reducing costs for a company through their no longer requiring to hire experts to develop procedure ontologies, also reducing by approximately 43.8. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, The Effect of Cross-Border Language Use on Financial Performance of Microfinance Banks, A Methodology to Manage Organizational Procedures Through Ontologies, The effect of language use on the financial performance of microfinance banks: Evidence from cross-border activities in 74 countries, Introduction: Multilingualism and Bilingual Education: Politics, Policies, and Practices in a Globalized Society, Let’s Talk about Language: A Review of Language-Sensitive Research in International Management. On the other hand, the age of organizational members had a clear direct association with English inter-individual Adjustment of spouses of expatriates is a highly relevant research topic considering the critical importance of this group of accompanying persons for work outcomes of their counterparts. Tests of the simple slope, indicated that the linkage between linguistic diversity and perceived use of English language. We go beyond the review by also reflecting on the consequences that these underlying assumptions have for the study of language in multinationals. Prologue 1. First, with respect to the effects of starting age, the findings suggest that in the long term and after similar amounts of input, starting age is not a predictor of language outcomes. social science research applicable to the understanding of late career'. The chapters are written in either native American English or in World English styles. Introduction: Linguistic Diversity. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 83-88). The Emergence and Measurement of Multilingualism 5. Last, but not least, although the sample of academics in science departments in three large, universities in Denmark may be relevant representatives of members of multicultural, organizations, they are all working in the Danish public sector. • ELL … In other words, if, organizations want to avoid language based groupings, they should have many rather than. The book covers several different perspectives on the work and personal life interface offering insights on the areas like adjustment, social support, dual-career issues and organizational practices. languages are spoken on a daily basis in the department?”. Research shows that this threat dramatically depresses the standardized test performance of women and African Americans who are in the academic vanguard of their groups (offering a new interpretation of group differences in standardized test performance), that it causes disidentification with school, and that practices that reduce this threat can reduce these negative effects. A total of 1,022 acad, The average age of the respondents was 37.05 years (SD=11.34) with a minimum, departmental age range of 17 years to a maximum departmental age range of 47 years. However, forcing individuals to speak in a second language could be problematic due to low, proficiency levels among non-native speakers. From linguistic diversity to plurilingual education: Guide for the development of language education policies in Europe 2007. effects of age and tenure distributions on technical communication'. 1-65). Biological impoverishment may follow the loss of cultural and linguistic diversity or may be a cause for the loss of cultural and linguistic diversity. Since there are no similar large-scale studies on international language management, the findings may be of considerable theoretical and practical importance. diversity that has received the least interest from organization and management scholars . The analysis reveals modest but significant effects of input on participants' proficiency, confirming that input never ceases to play a role in an instructed language learning setting, in contrast with opposite claims from studies of naturalistic language learning. Harzing, A.-W., and Feely, A.J. in Equality, Inequalities and Diversity (Healy, Noon & Kirton eds.) ening the diversity of life in nature—then the 1990s might be dubbed the decade of biocul-tural diversity—when the concept of an in-timate link between biological, cultural, and linguistic diversity was put forth and its im-plications for life in both nature and … Older individuals who have been used to speak in their native. This effect may be explained by, the Self-affirmation Theory , suggesting that individuals are motivated to protect an image of, self-integrity and adequacy. Schwartz found that younger, individuals ascribe greater importance to the values of openness to change compared to their, older counterparts. As presumed, this resulted in, significant associations with both criterion variables. the variables. Click the link on Figure 1 for a short introductory video (3minute linguistics, 2013). Practical implications include not having too few language groups in an, organization. ‘D-linguists’ are linguists who expect to find linguistic diversity rather than universality. (2010), 'Multicultural organizations: Common language and group. ening the diversity of life in nature—then the 1990s might be dubbed the decade of biocul-tural diversity—when the concept of an in-timate link between biological, cultural, and linguistic diversity was put forth and its im-plications for life in both nature and … With more than 7,000 distinct languages in use around the world, many of them are at risk of going extinct. As, age increases, individuals go through various biological and psychological changes . The hypothesis that age moderates the relation between linguistic diversity and English inter-, individual communication was not supported. Principal faculty advisor: William J. Idsardi, Dept. The control variable, size of department, was entered in Step 1. We found linguistic diversity to have, positive associations with the two English language communication variables. Regression coefficients are standardized; All coefficients are from the last model of the analyses. Furthermore, the linguistic distance between the home country of a microfinance bank and the home country of its international partner(s) is negatively related to its financial performance. The new interesting research evidence is provided from various country contexts from North America, Europe and Asia by researchers around the world. A, comparison of language use and language management in these two different types of, countries may provide useful knowledge to direct language management efforts in. study may not be generalizable to private-sector organizations and to other countries. (1974), 'Measuring organizational communication'. identified as the official sender, and the potential respondents were assured of confidentiality. Cultural Competence Cultural competence is a set of congruent behaviours, attitudes and policies that come together in an organisation to enable its staff to work effectively in cross-cultural situations. It is ideal for students from a variety of disciplines or with no prior knowledge of the field, and a useful text for introductory courses on language in the US, American English, language variation, language ideology, and sociolinguistics. Inclusive management in international organizations: How does it affect local and expatriate academics? The study was conducted among 200 Finnish employees in jobs requiring international business travel. Book review of Ingrid Piller's 'Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice: An Introduction to Applied Sociolinguistics'. We also found age to moderate the relationship between linguistic diversity and perceived use of English language by management. Once this analysis was carried out, a series of conclusions-which prove the dialect"s dominant role-were reached; among them, its huge internal variation, together with its particular historical origin, the peculiarities of its linguistic features and the stereotypes associated to it stand out. In this article we address issues of diversity within organizational groups by discussing and summarizing previous approaches and by introducing a new variable-faultlines-which depends on the alignment of individual member characteristics. These findings are useful for theory development in relation to employee inclusion in international organizations. This paper outlines the results from a questionnaire directed electronically towards members of academic multicultural departments in Denmark. 1B).A total of 3,202 languages, nearly half of those on Earth, currently are found in the 35 biodiversity hotspots (Fig. Piekkari, R., Vaara, E., Tienari, J., and Säntti, R. (2005), 'Integration or disintegration? Since organizational language use and language, management is an understudied topic, the results could have important theoretical and, management communication; language management, As organizations internationalize, they most likely come to include a number of different, speech communities . A moderated hierarchical regression analysis shows that over-commitment and the support of one’s family were directly linked to satisfaction with work-related international travel. Von Bonsdorff, M.E. This volume focuses on the conditions of bilingualism and bilingual education across the new global society and on the demands and challenges placed on them by the many features and processes of globalization. (2011), 'Age management in the public sector in. INTRODUCTION The linguistic classroom presents a unique opportunity for raising students’ awareness about diversity and multiculturalism as students approach these issues through linguistic diversity. As displayed in Table 1, the majority of the respondents were male (71.5%), Associate or Assistant Professors (51.1%), and Danish citizens (62.9%). integrated when confronted more directly with dissimilar, out-group members. Henderson, J.K. (2005), 'Language diversity in international management teams'. Hence, there could be good reasons to introduce, English as a common language in organizations with high language diversity. by management was significant both when the extent of shared language was high (t=-2.41, p<.05) and low (t=3.04, p<.01). An Investigation of the Relationship Between Sources of Social Support and Satisfaction with Work-Related International Travel: The Moderating Role of Over-Commitment, The Work and Personal Life Interface in the International Career Context: An Introduction, Age and work behaviour: Physical attributes, cognitive abilities, knowledge, personality traits and motives, Organizational demography: The differential effects of age and tenure distributions on technical communication, Demographic Diversity and Faultlines: The Compositional DYnamics of Organizational Groups, When global virtual teams share knowledge: Media richness, cultural difference and language commonality, The relationship between attitudes toward diversity management in the Southwest USA and the GLOBE study cultural preferences, Host country language ability and expatriate adjustment: The moderating effect of language difficulty, Multicultural Organizations: Common Language and Group Cohesiveness, Rethinking Social Identity Theory in International EncountersLanguage Use as a Negotiated Object for Identity Making, A threat in the air - How stereotypes shape intellectual identity and performance, Input and long-term effects of starting age in foreign language learning, Basic Issues for a Practical English Grammar, Shame in English, Arabic, and Javanese : a comparative lexical study /. ; As stated, and in accordance with the characteristics of HIPROOR, it was necessary to combine precision and recall through the weighted harmonic mean of both values, known as harmonic mean F-measure, as shown by (3) F = (β 2 +1) * recall * precision β 2 * recall+precision. Sample means, standard deviations and zero-order Pearson correlations were computed for all, variables of the study. We also found that older individuals speak English less frequently than younger individuals. By analyzing a group's faultlines, we focus attention on the underlying patterns of group member characteristics, which can be an important determinant of subgroup conflict, particularly when the group's task is related to one of its faultlines. The, construct of English Language Communication encompassed two concepts: English inter-. For example, only younger individuals reach a level of. Among these studies, there are certain dialects which have been investigated in a deeper way. The other claim is that the syntax of an expression is a reflection of its conceptual organisation, which represents the specific construal imposed on its content. By drawing on anthropological theories on ethnic identity it is argued that the relation between language and social identity is negotiated in interaction. mutual understanding, and fewer dysfunctional social categories will emerge . This book explores the ways in which linguistic diversity mediates social justice in liberal democracies undergoing rapid change due to high levels of migration and economic globalization. We studied the effect of linguistic diversity on English language communication as well as the moderating effect of respondents’ age. Will emerge way, a large number of different native languages will provide humane-oriented leadership was a negative association linguistic... Report on the other hand, a part of the age of organizational.! As their working language the next most popular language is Spanish, spoken by just more than 7,000 languages. To individual ' HRM studies – especially from a quantitative, approach of preference a! 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