To change this sentence into a question, simply move the verb to the beginning. She spent her childhood in … Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and but or so : (i) He was very ill. (question) 2. She doesn't have any money. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. 4. Is it windy today? They won't be working hard. If this sentence is rewritten in the negative form, then should it be, The following exercises will give you practice in changing word order and (in some cases) verb forms as you convert 20 declarative sentences into interrogative sentences. There is enough food for everyone, ? You’re Spanish, aren’t you? In other words, the first one is the one you'd be most likely to see or hear in speaking or writing these days, followed by 1 and then lastly 2. liching replied on 23 August, 2020 - 05:34 Malaysia. 3. (Question) Make question sentences from the following statements using do, does or did. May 11, 2015 - Change the following affirmative sentences into negative and interrogative sentences. Write Down The Sentence That Does Not Belong. Sentences and questions in the Past Continuous – Exercise 1 Task No. Reverse the order of … amrita_enakshi replied on 7 October, 2020 - 07:48 India, Sir The only thing that’s different is that you usually have to put the auxiliary verb (or the main verb “be”) before the subject. They have not been working hard. They mightn't have been working hard. 5. If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is negative, the tag is affirmative. When we have a question with a verb and a preposition, the preposition usually comes at the end of the question: We sometimes use phrases like these in front of a statement to ask questions: Do you know …? Given Quadratic Equations 1. The following sentences show independent clauses. Up to 10 points can be earned for a completed assignment, with partial credit available for incomplete responses. Question 1. (how often), He’ll have to go somewhere for a few days (where), You should do something to help homeless people. If the verb in the sentence is an action verb, you form a question by placing a form of the verb DO at the beginning of the sentence - DO, DOES or DID- and raise the pitch of your voice on the last word. They haven't been working hard. (i) dog / Rahul / with his / Pet / Playing / enjoys. Answer: 4. 2. In my neighborhood, many new apartment houses are being built by developers. 10. → Can he bake? The author is adding this sentence to section five: They include lowering the amount of released harmful carbon dioxide gases and decreasing the dependence on foreign oil. Do you have a nice car? Use the following sentence to answer the question. Some people don't like a warm climate, ? 8 You should do something to help homeless people. LearnEnglish Subscription: self-access courses for professionals, ZIZO replied on 28 October, 2020 - 19:06 Morocco, Which sentence is correct? ( Anna does not write a story. ) Vui lòng đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký để đăng câu trả lời. 6. They are arriving next week, ? 2.1. We often use do you think …? OR 4. 3 Jane has to go away for a long time. 2. (how long) Find an answer to your question Revise the following sentence to make the verb active instead of passive. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. Do you mean something like 'Who do you think the most famous actor in the world is today?' In spoken English, we often reduce not to n’t: They aren't working hard. I made a cake yesterday. When must they leave? When Louis asked Donna to become his secretary, she cried crocodile tears in order to elude him because she really didn’t want to be his secretary. (ehs-tah ehs lah poo-ehr-tah) (This is the door.) And why? Let's eat Grandpa. B. parallelism. ], Peter M. replied on 11 September, 2020 - 08:01 Poland. ICP#: 10044692, LearnEnglish Subscription: self-access courses, English Online: 100% online teacher-led course, EnglishScore Tutors: personal online English tutors, Delexical verbs: 'have', 'take', 'make', 'give', 'go' and 'do'. They were at home yesterday, ? 1. Does Mary take a nap every day? There are three basic question types and they are all interrogative sentences: Yes/No question: the answer is "yes or no", for example: Do you want dinner? Substitute the active for the passive voice to make the following sentences less wordy and more forceful. Question 3. What will you do if you break up with your friend? ... Can ask all types of general questions and can understand longer answers. 1. Question about English (US) Would you tell me if the following sentences are correct? following example sentences. (what) 1) Why did you have to go to the police station last week? (what). What are your favourite sport and subject? The second conditional questions are based on the first conditionalThe First Conditional is a structure used for talking about possibilities in the present or in the futureThese are some example of questions made with the first conditional 1. How often do I ought to practice English? For all verbs except be and have, we use do/does or did to make Yes/No questions in the present simple and past simple: For all verbs except be and have, we use do/does + not or did + not to make negatives in the present simple and past simple: Here are the question forms and negative forms for be in the present simple and past simple: We make questions and negatives with have in two ways. 1. answer choices . 4) How often do You ought to practice English? Her sketches are unusual because of their unusual perspective, radical use of color, and she uses unexpected subjects. She hasn't any money. She conducted herself well. Wh-questions are questions which start with a word like what, when, where, which, who, whose, why and how. Usually we use do/does or did: Do you have plenty of time?Does she have enough money?Did they have any useful advice? 1. Answer: Thomas will always be grateful for John’s help. If the sentence has an auxiliary or modal verb, that’s the one you’ll need to move. Sentences Menu. Other functions with declarative form. John helped Thomas. An independent clause is a group of words that may stand alone as a complete, grammatically correct thought. (how long), You ought to practice English frequently. I would like to inquire if both of the two sentences below are correct and the rules apply to them? Question-word (WH) question: the answer is "information", for example: Where do you live? A. and make negatives by putting not or n't after have/has or had: I haven't much time. I wouldn't go so far as to say it is incorrect, but it certainly has a worse style, in my opinion. Here are a couple of examples: Ésta es la puerta. What will you do if you win the lottery? Is it more advisable to focus on one topic (sport / subject) at a time when asking a question to avoid confusion? He can bake. Question 1 . after question words: How much do you think this dress is?Where do you think she comes from?Who do you think lives here? Make questions and negatives. Use the given question words. (ii) You come back from your holiday. Arrange the following jumbled sentences in a way so as to make a meaningful paragraph. For Yes/No questions, we use the phrases with if: For wh-questions, we use the phrases with a question word: Do you know who lives here?I wonder how much this dress is.Can you tell me where she comes from? AkiraTa05 replied on 10 September, 2020 - 17:27 Japan, He could hardly look at it, nor examine it in my presence. It is important to separate form (structure) from function (job). They will not be working hard. Did Tom ride his bike to school? 3. They might not have been working hard. (iv) … 2. I don't have much time. Our plans were changed abruptly when her message was received by us. Sign up for premium, and you can play other user's audio/video answers. What should I do to help homeless people? Tag questions are added on to the end of declarative sentences.A declarative sentence makes a statement and follows standard subject-verb word order, but you can add a short question offset by a comma to make it an interrogative fragment. 6 Children mustn’t see that film. (ii) to / the company / goods / Vietnam /exports. I appreciate it. It was foolish of him. The form of a declarative sentence is subject-verb.. It's unusual to use or in negative sentences, so I think the sentences sound rather clumsy if nor is replaced. The court referred to neither the correspondence nor the contradictory passages in his testimony, Kirk replied on 31 August, 2020 - 15:39 Spain. 2. Have a look at another example that will help you to understand the need for a grammar check before sending the copy to the audience. ZIZO replied on 29 October, 2020 - 16:53 Morocco. Question: Practice A Paragraph Is A Group Of Organized Sentences Which Discuss One Main Idea. ? (why) You’re not Spanish, are you? "Who do you think is the famous actor in the world today?" • Discuss the significance of first impressions, the fundamental attribution error, and the correspondence bias He drove to work that day, ? Arrange the words in the correct order to form meaningful sentences. © British Council Yes/No questions are questions which we answer with Yes or No. Of course the meaning changes from positive to negative, but the time reference and the action described do not change. (iii) every / delicious / father cooks / evening / Pasta. In a few sentences, please respond to each of the following questions. Sometimes it can ask a question, give a command or even express emotion.. Look at these statements: We make Yes/No questions by putting the first part of the verb in front of the subject: 4 You ought to practice English frequently. Question 2. Let’s look at a few more inversions to form yes/no questions: She is sad. DANH SÁCH CÂU HỎI › Make questions for the following sentences. Category Questions section with detailed description, explanation will help you to master the topic. Each One Has A Sentence That Does Not Belong. We were asked not to park in front of the house. 30 seconds . "Who do you think the famous actor in the world today is? SURVEY . Grammar questions from year 2004 Question 1 Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Example sentences with the word following. The length of the floor is 8 m longer than its width and there is 20 square meters. (Answer: DBECA) Exercise No. → Is she sad? Please note that these exercises are not about adding question words to make entirely new sentences, as in, "Where did Laura walk?" The concert will have begun by then, ? (why) Tag Questions. My sister enjoys playing tennis. (when) I have tried searching online but in vain. The court did not refer to the correspondence, nor to the contradictory passages in his testimony - How is it different from: 1. I was unable to solve it. … What time do you have to go home? ], We can see no error in the judge admitting the recordings, nor in his evaluation of the evidence nor in his ultimate finding. Jumbled Sentence: Solved 217 Jumbled Sentence Questions and answers section with explanation for various online exam preparation, various interviews, Logical Reasoning Category online test. Which of the following is NOT a suggested way to make sure your sentences are clear and easy to understand? The word 'most' creates a superlative form. A typical sentence begins with the subject and then follows to the verb. Choice question: the answer is "in the question", for example: (question) 3. How to use following in a sentence. (how often) How long does J have to go away for? Thank you for your answer. ", Kirk replied on 29 October, 2020 - 11:38 Spain. They had not worked hard. (lah moo-Hehr ehs bveh-yah) (The woman is beautiful.) Is there any difference in meaning? But then the meaning changes. She doesn't tell many lies, ? Translate the following verbal sentences to mathematical sentence. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. La mujer es bella. A. modifiers. In questions, the word order subject-verbs-object is the same as in affirmative sentences. E. Communication etiquette differs from culture to culture and therefore in order to make our communication effective, we will have to understand the cultural background of our recipients and be sensitive to that. a. Question 1. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). (In Paris.) If there is no auxiliary verb in the main sentence, we use do in the tag. We use the same auxiliary verb in the tag as in the main sentence. 2. He hadn't any advice to offer. [could I replace "nor" in this sentence with "or"? Make questions for the following sentences. Where will he have to go for a few days? 3.1. They didn't have any advice to offer. They hadn't been working hard. 3. (v) Everything / will / sense / make / perfect / someday. I think the first sentence is fine with or. Both the sentences have exact words but just the placement of a comma changes the meaning of a sentence. We make Yes/No questions by putting the first part of the verb in front of the subject: Are they working hard? Choose the MOST effective location for this sentence. Eduma - học tiếng anh, học tiếng trung, dịch tiếng anh, ielts, toeic , du học singapore, canada, úc, anh, học phong thuỷ, tử vi, lịch âm, lịch vạn niên . When we make a negative with the to-infinitive, we put not in front of the to-infinitive: He told us not to make so much noise. So what should be the correct way to rewrite? What will you when you get retired? We form wh-questions with these words by putting the question word in front of a Yes/No question: When we ask who, what and which about the object of the verb, we put the question word in front of a Yes/No question: When we ask who, what and which about the subject of the verb, the question word takes the place of the subject: We sometimes use what or which with a noun: What subjects did you study at school?Which English newspaper started in 1986?What subjects does everyone have to study?Which newspaper do you prefer, The Times or the Guardian? Early in May she wrote on her tablet the following list of questions: 4. By changing the meaning or simply adding 'not'. - In The Last Few Decades, We Have Developed Many Safety Devices To Make Many Activities Much Safer. b. What transition words does in the sentences. but we can also make questions by putting have/has or had in front of the subject: Have you plenty of time?Has she enough money?Had they any useful advice? A full stop can make all the difference! Then e press into quadratic equations in terms of "x". The boat is sinking. The length of a wooden frame is 1 foot longer than its width and its area is equal to 12 ft2. A sentence needs to make sense on its own. (iii) He remained absent on Friday. (iv) Brother/ an/ wants /be/my/ astronaut /to. Advanced Can understand long, complex answers. The verb 'is' goes at the end, as in the second sentence, but I'm afraid the sentence is still a bit strange in a general context. Interrogatives are put at the beginning of the sentences: Anna writes a story. 3. The function of a declarative sentence is usually to make a statement.But not always! Thank you, Peter M. replied on 8 October, 2020 - 07:18 Poland. In fact, I think or is the more natural choice here. Use the given question words. An example is given below. The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. 5 We have to home early. Why did you have to go to the police station last week? A sentence that tells us something is a statement. (what time) 3. Why mustn’t children see that film? auxiliary verb + subject 1. 2. 5. [Could I say: "He could hardly look at it or examine it in my presence."? Questions: wh- questions - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary (Statement) Does my sister enjoy playing tennis? 1282 Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences or questions in the Past Continuous. If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is affirmative, the tag is negative. Start with a normal declarative sentence. You live in Spain, don’t you? They are progressively more formal. The court did not refer to the correspondence or the contradictory passages in his testimony. What will you do if you get divorced? LubNko525 replied on 29 August, 2020 - 11:32 South Korea. (why), Jane has to go awwy for a long time. Let's eat, Grandpa. → Is the boat sinking? Sonia asked a riddle. Will they be working hard?Had they worked hard?Have they been working hard?Might they have been working hard? (No thank you.) We make negatives by putting not after the first part of the verb: They are not working hard. If you want to relax after class, what will you watch? 3. D. punctuation. Answer: I was unable to solve the riddle asked by Sonia. Learn about premium features. A clause is a group of words that may make up a sentence. Sometimes, complete sentences are also called independent clauses. 7 He’ll have to go somewhere for a few days (where) Thomas will always be grateful. Emma was frightened by the creepy bat that flew down f… hopevelez hopevelez 11/02/2016 English Middle School Revise the following sentence to make the verb active instead of passive. All of these sentences mean the same thing. He did not take any medicine. Yes/No questions are questions which we answer with Yes or No. Taking time to brainstorm creative ideas. 3. Q. Mary earns a six figure salary. 2. 2 They must leave soon. 1.1. Would you tell me if the following sentences are correct? Read The Following Paragraplis. Look at these statements: They are working hard.They will be working hard.They had worked hard.They have been working hard.They might have been working hard. 1 I had to go to the police station last week. I wonder …    Can you tell me …? I'm not sure what you mean by 'the meaning changes' here. In the following sentence how many transition(s) word(s) are in there: First I went to the wall, then I went back to my home where I also ate a pizza. One way it can be changed into a question is to use do, does or did as the first word. We will discuss the problem. How are you?How do you make questions in English?How long have you lived here?How often do you go to the cinema?How much is this dress?How old are you?How many people came to the meeting? C. verb tense. What is your favourite sport and subject? (question) Cách đọc bảng chữ cái tiếng Việt mới và chuẩn nhất, Học tiếng anh cho trẻ em – Phương pháp và cách thực hiện đạt hiệu quả cao, Tiếng anh lớp 7 – một số điều cần biết và phương pháp học tập hiệu quả, Tiếng anh lớp 8 – Tầm quan trọng và những phương pháp học tập hiệu quả, Bí kíp để giúp bạn học tiếng Anh giao tiếp hiệu quả, Bài 59: Tính từ (Adjective) – P5: So sánh của tính từ, Luyện dịch Việt – Anh: Bài 10 (Hà Nội thời mở cửa), Bài luận tiếng Anh mẫu: Bài 4 (MODERN INVENTIONS), Thi trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh – Bài 13: So sánh hơn và cao nhất của tính từ và trạng từ (Phần bài tập), I had to go to the police station last week. The second sentence is more problematic. She is curious about that guy, ?
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