For example, you can only use the Count option if your column contains text data whereas you can use total, maximum, minimum, or average options if the column contains numeric data. Save the analysis as # Submissions by Company. Testing users may also need training on how to properly do a review of new OBI reports and compare them to BO reports. This tutorial covers how to get started with the transition from reporting in Business Objects to reporting in Taleo Oracle Business Intelligence. Does all the report content matter to you or only a specific part? OBIEEis Oracle’s flagship BI offering. Save the analysis as String Cast to Date. "Candidate ID" s_1 Click Run Query in the toolbar to execute the query. View the dashboard pages. Senior Oracle Developer / Analyst / Business Objects Developer DSS Health applications using Oracle 9 (i), Sun Solaris, MS Access, Windows 2000, Emberkadero, VSS. The default format is the format of the report item before any formatting is applied. Is the report operational or informational? SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence is a centralized suite for data reporting, visualization, and sharing. Choose the analysis Hired Candidates Sub Query. If you have a report where the end user will need the context to change you can add a column selector view on the context column in the results tab, but that is not necessary for this report. Use Recruiting subject area to convert legacy Onboarding queries into contemporary Onboarding queries. When you create a new report object in RDA, you create a report … "Education - Institution" end. Add the following filter to the analysis: Save the analysis as Hired Candidates Sub Query. "Application Current CSW Step" = 'Immigration')). We will create an analysis for candidate personal information which shows the candidate address and the candidate email. Table 12-1 Formatting Options for Data in Reports. How often is the report distributed (scheduling distribution schedule, or usage from usage statistics report)? Create a new dashboard prompt and select the Recruiting (Legacy) subject area.. HTML can be used in Narrative Views and Static text views in the compound layout. BusinessObjects also offers consulting and education services to help customers deploy its business intelligence … OBIEE comprises a number of component applications. The Access Subject Area - Recruiting permission is also required. To turn the report layout into a table or chart: Right-click the report and select Turn To from the context menu. This tutorial is intended for users who already have an understanding of the Oracle Business Intelligence User Interface.If you are not familiar with Oracle Business Intelligence, take the Getting Started with Oracle Business Intelligence training as a pre-requisite to this training. Crystal Reports vs Business Objects. FROM "Recruiting (Legacy)" Update the formula. You can choose from many world currencies. To start Report Writer and create a new report: Navigate to Reports, Report Writer, and select New. It offers a unified system for performing a range of analytics functions, including interactive dashboards, ad hoc reporting, enterprise and financial reporting, real-time predictive intelligence, disconnected analytics, and more. To view the active case series, navigate to Case Series, Open Case Series, and select Active in Argus Insight. Navigate to Reports, Report Writer, and select New. Click Sort and then select the required sorting option. Edit the formula of Education - Institution, remove the trim statement, and replace ',' with a line break tag '< br >'. The field values available, and the rows returned will vary as you are reporting on the information from your zone. Specifically, this training provides examples of transitioning Staffing Universe BO reports to Recruiting (Legacy) OBI reports… The first requirement we will build on is the requirement to show the # of filled requisitions by year and to mark the current year as YTD (year to date). From Oracle FAQ. The selected filter appears in the right frame. Drag and drop the data fields from the Data tab into the Result Objects panel. This section describes how to use BusinessObjects InfoView to save the customized reports under the AdHoc Reports menu. Enter your user name and password, and click Log On. This topic will cover how to request the Usage Summary Data for your zone. Observe that now the institutions are both on the same row. Anchoring Objects In Oracle Reports. Microsoft: SQL Server Reporting Services, Access. FETCH FIRST 100301 ROWS ONLY. The full formula is now: CAST("Requisition Compensation"."Req. Replace the equation in the column Education Seq 2 with the following formula: EVALUATE_AGGR('MAX(CASE WHEN %1 = %2 THEN %3 END)' AS CHARACTER(200),"Application Education". Oracle: BI Suite Enterprise & Standard Editions: query, analysis, reporting… "Requisition UDF Value 15", 'MM-DD-YYYY'). Select the data mart fields to include in your report as follows: If your report consists of fields from the Event and Product tables, it will only display data for those cases where event assessment has been done. End users should get training and any necessary materials at the outset or immediately preceding phased testing. Change the Operator to is based on results of another analysis. Business Objects is a query, reporting and analysis tool that allows users to access, present and analyze data from a corporate database. Oracle Taleo Platform Cloud Service - Reporting for Business Objects - Version N/A and later Information in this document applies to any platform. What other distribution considerations are there? Modify the formula for the date udf. in QueryPairs and Staging Queries, and Test Suite Connection overrides). Compare Cognos, Business Objects and Crystal Reports Against Your Needs. They query criteria should look like this: Observe that the educational institutions at sequence one and two appear on different rows. The benefit of using the action link is that you are able to associate multiple links with a single column. ("Application Current CSW". Based on my observations I have determined that these reports can be re-created in OBI. Maximum salary casted to a varchar(40). Observe that the report consists of one table that returns the three query result objects. … You can select an option from one of the following tabs: Click OK. ... Business Objects: Learn. A lot of unnecessary complexity with paradigms like a "universe," etc. Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 6 . An anchor defines the relative position of an object to the object to which it is anchored. The Save Document dialog box opens. For example: Use the Save menu option to save the reports you create by using Report Writer. If you were reporting on Candidate Web Page Address you might set the data format to hyperlink. SAP. Oracle BI Publisher is a reporting solution to author, manage, and deliver all your reports and documents easier and faster than traditional reporting tools. For example, if you select In list as the operator, the filter is limited to any one or all of the values defined in the list. Expand the options and limit the values by Req. Add the column Requisition > Requisition UDFs > Any UDF with a Date Value. ("Application Current CSW". The options for saving the report appear. Before you begin your report transition you may want to consider how you target the reports that you will transition. This tutorial is intended for users who want to create reports using Oracle Business Intelligence in Taleo Enterprise Edition to replace reports that are currently in SAP Business Objects. Latest Filled Year (YYYY)" = YEAR(now()) THEN 'YTD' ELSE "Requisition Latest Filled Date"."Req. Add a filter for Req. We will not make any changes at this time. Modify the SQL to remove leaving only the Candidate ID field in the select statement, the from clause, and the where clause: SELECT To revert an action you perform, click Undo on the toolbar. Add United States as the default selection. The OBI named filter is aligned with the logic of the prompt values of the BO filter. Observe that both reports contain information from a distinct query. If the report is multi query due to the fact that you need to extend a table (combine data based on a common field/dimension): for example you need to join information for a candidate that has been matched to a requisition, to the information of the requisition that the candidate was matched from, BIP may be the best solution. Free Report: Oracle OBIEE vs. SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform. Define the value by selecting the term/word to be used as a filtering criterion. "Candidate Zip Code". Job Field Level 2 and set the operator to is prompted. EVALUATE('TO_DATE(%1,%2)' AS DATE,"Requisition UDFs". Click OK to confirm the action. The report output is refreshed and displays the formatted data. Add the following fields to the analysis: We will recreate the BO filter Req. Edit the column properties of the Candidate Email column and override the default data format to treat text as Mail-To Address. All other areas can only be set to either low, medium and high. Primary Location Level 1 column prompt. Crystal Reports is widely used by various software applications as the default reporting … Table 12-1 describes the available formatting options. Report Writer is used to create a custom report by directly selecting data mart fields and applying filters on them. If the report is multi query, why was it necessary to make the report multi query? This is possible via the Action. Make the column heading Candidate Address. Recreating Business Objects Reports in OBI Answers. Click Save as to save the report on your system. The home page for BusinessObjects InfoView opens. Edit the formula of the third # Applications column. Instead, the system stores the specific set of instructions (data mart fields you select) for extracting data from the data mart when you run the report. Edit the column prompt for Req. Then, validate that the user is able to view dashboards, refresh queries that use the Talent Management … Uncheck Display Saved Name and in the title column enter @{loc1}{All} Filled Requisitions. 1 hour), Report formatting is readable and acceptable, Scheduled reports are received in a timeframe/format that is expected, for all users, Embedded Reporting information is available in the Recruiting User Guide, Getting Started with Taleo Oracle Business Intelligence in the OLL, Getting Started with Embedded Reporting in the OLL, Training videos on the knowledge exchange. This differs from BO in that we add the context to the query and do not choose the context when the query is run. Insert a filter for Education - Institution is not null. Navigate to the Advanced Tab and copy the SQL Issued into a notepad. Add the double pipes which is the shortcut syntax for concatenate. Organization Level 2. Save the analysis as Salary Range by Req ID. Organization level 1 is prompted and Req. Maximum Salary" as varchar(40)) || ' ' || RIGHT("Requisition Compensation"."Req. Repeat steps a through c to add US Prompt to US Filled Reqs page. "Education - Display Sequence" = 1 then "Application Education". Business objects or events to be audited can be configured using Manage Audit Policies in Fusion Applications while the reporting … Save the analysis as Hired Candidates - Sub Query. We will use the TrimTrailing string function to remove the comma from the end of the string, TRIM(TRAILING ',' FROM EVALUATE_AGGR('SYS.STRAGG(DISTINCT(%1 || %2))' AS CHARACTER(1000), "Application Education". Create the analysis using theRecruiting (Legacy) subject area. Since BO is a reporting tool, most of the workload will be read. Reports can be shared among different users. Add the column Context > Requisition with Applications. The layout options let you change the appearance of your reports without changing the underlying data. How would you categorize the report by subject area (Onboarding, Staffing (talent management), Administration, Multi-universe)? Choose Presentation Variable from the Set A Variable selection. Training through oracle university should be planned and budgeted with your manager. CAST("Requisition Compensation"."Req. Click the green plus sign to add an action link. Organization Level 2 prompt. OBIEE is a cross-platform solution written in C++ and Java. Job Field Level 1 and set the operator to is prompted. In this subtopic, you will create the analysis. In the Apply Saved Filter dialog leave the defaults selected and click OK. Save the analysis as Requisitions Filled in the Last 7 Days. What specific variations have you identified? To remove summary information, right-click the cell that has the summary information, select Remove, and then select the appropriate option from the menu. Select the My Folders, Favorites folder if you want to save the report as a personal document. In the Report Title section, click the column that you want to summarize. The summary options available to you depend on the type of data in the column you want to summarize. The report output can be displayed in various layouts and can be saved in file formats, such as PDF, XLS, or CSV. "Candidate Address Line 1" || '< br/ >' || "Education - Institution"). All rights reserved, Recruiting and Recruiting (legacy) subject areas and BIP. Use save as to save the analysis as Line Break Delimited Agg List. Business Objects data is used in identifying items that should be discontinued due to low sales volume or low margins; Business Objects data is used to analyze customer and brand performance and identify … Observe that all three queries are combined into one report tab which contains: a table with req organization level one and the # of applications, the # of applicatins in negotiation, and the # of applications in immigration; and one pie graph per query with req. Drag and drop … When creating varibles in BO it was possible to nest variables. "Education - Institution", ','). If you rarely utilize a scheduled report, why? How often do you access the report content and why? "Application Current CSW Status" = 'In Negotiation')). In this case study we will recreate a multi-query, multi-tabbed report. The selected column is highlighted. Drag and drop the data fields from the Data tab into the Result Objects panel. Business Objects Reporting is a tool used by companies to collate and disseminate valuable information to employees or management to make key decisions. When a business object is identified as containing application setup data, its data is considered application metadata and is stored in the entity-data.csv file as part of the application's sources. Edit the formula for the first Education - Display Sequence. Developed OLAP reports writing complex … Oracle Fusion Applications is the only policy area that allows for end-user object selection. There are several ways this report could be recreated, but the best approximation for this report will be for me to create a dashboard with a dashboard prompt. RIGHT("Requisition Compensation"."Req. "Candidate City Of Residence" || ', ' || "Candidate Location of Residence". Once you have created your report, you can edit the report, change the report layout, run the report in specific formats, and save the report. Edit the properties of the Education - Institution Column. "Candidate Personal Information". row=1;document.write(row++); You can also save and re-use action links. You may have a URL where you want to edit a column value as a parameter. You can choose from a list of date and time formats, including the 12 or 24 hour clock. In the catalog pane, navigate to the OL Dash Prompt Listener and shuttle it into the filters pane. FILTER("Candidate Counts". Repeat this step to limit Req. This is because event assessment is the only way of defining relationship between an event and a product. Jump to: navigation, search. Change the value of the Primary interaction from Default (Drill) to Action Links. Is there any difference in priority between the variations of this report? To make a different case series active, navigate to Case Series, Open Case Series, and select Library in Argus Insight. Edit the Req. Select the operator type from the drop-down list. WebIntelligence connections can be set up in the QuerySurge Admin view, and be utilized in the same manner as any other Connection types (i.e. For detailed information, see the documentation supplied with the your BusinessObjects products. For example, if you run a report that you saved a week ago, the data in the report reflects any changes in the data mart as a result of the ETL process. Change the operands from AND to OR by clicking on them. For speed and ease of transitions use the Recruiting (Legacy) subject area to convert all Staffing universe queries. "Candidate Ethnicity", 'Ethnicity - ', '') = 'Hispanic Latino' then 'Yes' else 'No' end. Also add a filter for Candidate Address Line 1 is not null and Candidate Email is not Null. For each female patient, the report includes the case number and whether the patient overdosed. The report output displays the column summary at the bottom of the report. In the left frame, the Data tab lists all the fields that you can use as the filtering criterion for data analysis. Select the column values that you want to sort for the report output. Primary Location Level 1: one for Canada, and one for US, Select Requisition > Requisition Logistics > Requisition Organization >, Select Requisition > Requisition Logistics > Requisition Job Field >, Requisition > Requisition Logistics > Requisition Identification >, Requisition > Requisition Logistics > Requisition Structure > Requisition Primary Location, Requisition > Requisition Logistics > Requisition Structure > Requisition Organization, Candidate > Candidate Personal Information >, Candidate > Candidate Application > Application Current CSW >, Requisition > Requisition Logistics > Requisition Identification, Requisition > Requisition Dates > Requisition Latest Filled Date >, Measures > Requisition Measures > Req. For each query choose the subject area you will convert the query into. Navigate to Events - Event Information, and drag and drop Case Number into the Result Objects panel. The selected column is highlighted. For example, you can select an ascending or descending sort order. Select Custom Headings and rename the custom # Applications in Immigration Step. In our first example we are using a concatenate function and all values in the concatenated formula must be in string formula. Is there one or several reports that are slight variations of this report? WHERE The fields you selected are displayed as columns in the report output. Organization Level 1. In the Data Format tab, override the default data format and set the treat text as field to HTML. There are RAC customers around the world who currently use Business Objects against a RAC 10g database. For example, you can convert your report into a chart or group the report into crosstab column headers. We're going to use the string formula Right to isolate the currency code. The Turn To dialog box opens. Open the New menu and select Web Intelligence Document. Its flagship product is BusinessObjects XI (or BOXI ), with components that provide performance management, planning, reporting, query and analysis, as well as enterprise information management. "Education - Institution", ',')), Save the analysis as Comma Delimited Agg List. "Education - Display Sequence" = 2 then "Application Education". Based on my observations I have determined that this report can be re-created in OBI. We only want the currency code which is 5 characters ie (USD). The formula should look like this: case when REPLACE("Candidate Global Regulations". Click OK to save the report in the location you specified. You can also access RDA directly from Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Solution Explorer to create report objects. How complex is this report (simple - single universe, single query, minimal variables, medium - single universe, multi query, few complex variables, complex - multi universe, multi query, many variables). Canada Filled Reqs report tab contains information from Canada Filled Reqs query and US Filled Reqs report tab contains information from US Filled Reqs query. End users will need training on how to access OBI and Embedded Reporting reports this could be accomplished with a meeting, a tutorial guide with screen shots, or a short video. You can use predefined formats to change the appearance of text, numbers, currency, dates, and times in your report. Job Field Level 1. "Education - Institution", '< br >'). The aggregator gives you the option to create a line break delimiter so we will review how to use a line break in OBI Answers. Confirm that you will save the filter in the selected folder and not in the recommended folder. Navigate to Events - Event Information, and drag and drop Event SMQ (Narrow) into the Result Objects panel. Edit the formula for Candidate Address Line 1. (Note: most reports are set to refresh on open), MaxQuery: Number of queries in the report (reports with multiple queries will have multiple query tabs), MaxRows: Largest number of total rows retrieved for all queries in the report, AverageRows: Average number of rows retrieved for all queries in the report, SumRows: Total number of rows retrieved for all refreshes of the report, MaxDuration: Largest total duration of all queries in the report, Folder location: (Note: if multiple versions of the report exist on a zone, this will be the last location alphabetically), Username: Business Objects ID associated with the user who refreshed the report (Note: if report has multiple refreshes, this will be the last BO ID alphabetically), Universe(s)Used: Universes included in the report, Last Refresh Date: Indicates how recently the report was refreshed, Report Owner BOBJ Username: Business Objects ID associated with the user who owned the report, Job Owner BOBJ Username: Business Objects ID associated with the user who owned the scheduled job, Report Folder: (Note: if multiple versions of the report exist on a zone, this will be the last location alphabetically). Click Edit Query to view the Data tab (objects) and the Result Objects panel. Save the analysis as Hired Candidates - Results from Another Query. "Candidate Country Of Residence" || ' ' || "Candidate Personal Information". I will demonstrate how to re-create the sub query using results from another analysis and using a sql sub query. Minimum Salary" AS varchar(40)). Name the page US Filled Reqs and click OK. Add a hidden prompt to Canada Filled Reqs. Minimum Salary" AS varchar(40)) || ' - ' || cast("Requisition Compensation"."Req. Observe the values from the UDF are in alphabetical order rather than chronological order. If OBI cannot meet your needs, BIP may be the best solution. Name the dashboard US and Canada Filled Reqs, set the location to /company_shared/BO to OBI Transition Training/ Dashboards, and keep Add content now selected. Also add a filter for Education - Institution is not null. In addition, you can change the number of decimal places, specify whether to use a thousands separator, choose different symbols to represent negative numbers, and to scale large numbers. Now, in the critiera tab, edit the formula of Candidate Ethnicity to replace 'Ethnicity - ' with an empty string''. Select a prompt to capture default filters and variables. Edit the column properties of the Candidate Address Field and in the Data Format Tab override the default data format and treat the text as HTML. It was designed to empower professionals across the globe to begin … Use either the currency symbol or the international code. It’s a comprehensive suite of BI applications built around the key acquisitions of Siebel Analytics and Hyperion Solutions. In a comparison of SAP Business Objects vs IBM Cognos analytics, both application suites are popular for conducting vital business … Edit the formula for Req. Multiple queries but that aren't linked in the content but their linked in filters (date range affects all queries in the report) but your presenting the query from different queries in different areas, tables, etc so the only point of intersection is the date ranges in the filter. The Oracle Learning Explorer program offers entry-level training courses, labs and accreditation for Oracle's entire product portfolio. Since the formulas we are creating are used in a query using the correct data type is imperative to the query running. To access the report editing options provided by BusinessObjects, select Edit Query. "Recruiting (Legacy)". The BusinessObjects XI report panel opens. Latest Filled Year (YYYY)" END. Their success in accessing and quickly creating custom reports is directly dependent on not only the technical skills of the analyst, but on the setup and maintenance of the Business Objects … AdHoc Reports is a repository where all the customized reports are saved. (Doc ID 552089.1) Last updated on DECEMBER 04, 2019. For our first analysis we need to create an analysis that shows the salary ranges for requisitions. "Candidate Location of Residence". Since the analysis retrieves data from Requisition and Application we will add a context field in the criteria. We will return to the criteria tab and modify the formulas using an evaluate statement in conjunctions with the case statement so the educational institutions are treated as different fields and display in the same row. In scenarios where you want to add hyperlinks to a regular text column my recommendation is to use an Action Link interaction. Select Requisition > Requisition Logistics > Requisition Organization > Req. All expected report data is returned (row count and content, with respect for differences based on data latency on OBI: est. In the HTML exercise I recommended using the data format hyper text link for the field Candidate Web Page Address. Since all the of the education institutions have a trailing comma we will have a rogue comma at the end of the string. Use Performance Management subject area to convert Performance Management Universe queries. "Education - Display Sequence",1, "Application Education". Select the “Configure Business Objects … Crystal Reports is a popular software application applied in business intelligence for designing and generating reports, pulling data from a wide range of sources. "Education - Display Sequence",2, "Application Education". In the SQL Expression text field paste your SQL Query. Save the dashboard prompt as Canada Prompt. Observe that in the list of options you can also add hyperlinks and images.
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