If you're interested in learning more about creating the ultimate deer hunting property, you'll love my Whitetails By Design Book Series!. Branches may bend down and root in wet soil. Cornus amomum (Silky Dogwood) is a vigorous, spreading deciduous shrub of open-rounded habit when mature. Dogwood is one of the favorite browse cuttings for deer. But they aren't as easy to plant or as versatile as high-quality shrubs. Silky Dogwood Characteristics The berries’ high fat content makes them a favored food among migrating songbirds. This behavior creates thickets. Noteworthy Characteristics. It is an ideal choice if you have parts of the garden that are regularly wet. Silky Dogwood does particularly well in moist areas, so would be a great addition to your yard for those soggy areas that are difficult to find good plantings for. The ability for your habitat improvements to attract, hold, protect and define deer usage will be determined by the difference in the level of quality of your own habitat, compared to the surrounding lands. Silky Dogwood, SH. Silky dogwood is a large shrub, often 6-10 feet in height. Attracts pollinators. Silky dogwood is a host plant for the spring azure butterfly. The growth habit is upright rounded, but where stems are in contact with the ground, roots are formed. The flowers are produced in cymes.The fruit is a small blue drupe. Spread: 6-10 feet. Discover (and save!) It has also been found to support several specialist bee species in the Andrena genus. Cornus amomum Mill. Green above and may be silky grayish when young, paler color below The leaves are opposite, up to 10 cm (4 in) long and 7 cm (2 3 ⁄ 4 in) broad, oval with an acute apex. Young stems will have a reddish-orange color similar to Redosier Dogwood. FOOD PLOTS ARE popular with hunters, for good reason. Creamy spring cymes, the coins two-plus inches in diameter, are not large but plentiful; when in bloom this shrub will have you know it. I could not believe it. Gray D. is very common in the townships that I hunt in. Sep 4, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Meg. Young stems remain upright, and older stems arch over to touch the ground. Deer Resistant: yes: Attracts: butterflies, bees, birds **Scherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary Pick-up Only - plants will NOT be shipped** In order to manage the number of people coming to Scherman Hoffman WS, we will contact you to: Oct 27, 2019 - Proven Winners - Red Rover® - Silky dogwood - Cornus obliqua white plant details, information and resources. Deer resistant. Light: Full sun to part shade. Soil/Site: Tolerates poorly drained soils. I'm presuming by your post that Gray is not as attractive to deer as the Silky & Red Osier. Flowers/Fruit: August and September - fruits are bluish in color. This plant has no children Legal Status. Jan 25, 2013 #1 . Silky Dogwood Cornus amomum. Messages: 3,147 Likes Received: 3,015 ... My deer do browse the heck out of my Whites and Northerns if I don't protect but I understand they don't care much for the Scotch. Irish Setter™ Dogwood was selected by Mike Yanny in the late 1990’s at Johnson’s Nursery for its lustrous stems that held color through the winter. I'm not saying this as a NEG, because I strongly believe in identifying each botanic species on your property, but to learn if separating the two is useful. Sep 8, 2015 - Silky Dogwood Information: Growing Silky Dogwood Shrubs - Also known a swamp dogwood, silky dogwood is a mid-size shrub. In the home landscape, silky dogwood bushes work well in moist, naturalized areas. Cornus amomum, commonly called silky dogwood, is a medium-sized deciduous shrub that is typically found in moist lowland areas, swamp borders, floodplains, shrub wetlands, and along streams and ponds in Eastern North America (New Foundland to Ontario south to Missouri, Mississippi and Florida).Twigs and leaf undersides have silky hairs, hence the … Timo Active Member. […] Threatened and Endangered Information: This plant is listed by the U.S. federal government or a state. Ivory Halo dogwood tend to use more nitrogen than some other plant families. This plant looks most like Gray Dogwood, but is believed to be a hybrid with Silky Dogwood. Silky dogwood? Silky Dogwood Cornus amomum Description & Overview Native to Wisconsin’s streambeds and swamps, Silky Dogwood plays an important role in local ecosystems. Deer resistant. Soil: Sand, loam, clay. Common names are from state and federal lists. Browse as a term used on this website refers to the twigs and small branches, with or without leaves or needles, of trees, shrubs, vines and other woody stemmed plants. Cornus amomum is a deciduous shrub growing to 5 m tall. Great for naturalizing or shrub borders. Does well on swampy land. Clusters of beautiful white blossoms followed by purple fall berries, a major food source for migrating birds. Click on this article for additional silky dogwood information. We posted about these native dogwoods (Cornus drummondii and C. amomum) before, but we recently made a new observation indicating how beloved are these fruits. Cornus obliqua aka Silky Dogwood or Pale Dogwood is valuable resource for our pollinator populations, and the fall fruit is an excellent resource for songbirds. The Silky Dogwood Shrub does well or is tolerant in Well-Drained Acidic soil. Oh man! Zone: 4-8. Jan 8, 2013 - Cornus amomum (Silky/Swamp Dogwood) good for swampy areas or streams. This red and grey branched shrub generally grows more in … In this video I showed distinct differences between red Osier and silky dogwood in the wild these two plants are close to identical and howeve I … Red-osier dogwood is a large, 7- to 9-foot erect shrub best suited where the background, such as evergreens, will show off the dark red winter stems. Cornus amomum Cayenne™ (Swida amomum Cayenne™) - 7 available.This is a red-stemmed selection of the Silky Dogwood upping the ante on an underutilized but worthy shrub. A great choice for moist or wet areas. Seed Source: New Hampshire. – silky dogwood Subordinate Taxa. Using landscape plants NOT preferred by deer is one way to prevent or at least lessen damage. Among the animals that eat them are northern bobwhite, wild turkey, squirrels, white-tailed deer. Small whitish flowers are born in flat topped clusters in early summer. Many old pastures that have been left ungrazed for years have intermittent mini-thickets of gray dogwood. Height: 6-10 feet. Deer “Resistant” Shrubs and Trees (both native and non native species to Virginia) Compiled by Carrie Whitacre for The State Arboretum of Virginia White-tailed deer are responsible for a great deal of landscape destruction. Dogwood berries can be bright red, white, dark blue, or even a combination of dark blue and white, as with the silky dogwood. Mature height: a small to medium sized shrub to 12'. This large-to-medium sized lowland shrub produces spectacular porcelain-blue fruit clusters in late summer which are a favorite of local wildlife. Berries in summer, red twigs in fall and winter. your own Pins on Pinterest The Silky Dogwood will mature to 6-8 feet tall with an equal spread, but can be trimmed to any size. Small trees cannot tolerate very much cutting and survive. Cornus amomum leaves are rusty brown and pubescent, … Adding a pop of vibrant color in the snowy, dull months of winter, Cornus sericea (Red Osier Dogwood) is a medium-sized ornamental shrub with incredible appeal. Our ideal fertilizer schedule for you to use is as follows. These are in very high density deer areas. New growth twigs can be greenish purple though dormant twigs are typically dark reddish purple, densely covered with fine hairs. Leaves : Medium to dark green in summer. Shrubs become more dense over time with many […] ... twigs are an important source of winter browse for deer and rabbits. Most species have attractive … Young dogwoods have bright red stems in the fall, winter Dec 12, 2010 ... > Deer Management, Habitat & Conservation > Latest Replies Who’s … Besides attractive, red stems in the winter, red-osier dogwood has yellowish-white flowers that appear in late May to early June, and bluish-white fruit borne in late summer. Browse can also refer to bark, for the animals that gnaw on bark. Cold hardy and deer resistant; Grows well in wet soil and by ponds; Needs no special pruning to stay dense and compact; Plant the Arctic Fire Red Twig Dogwood in a sunny or lightly shaded place, in regular garden soil, or in wet soil. Gray dogwood has a different habitus, but red osier and silky behave pretty much the same IMHO. In an effort to relax and wind down from a long day, I had just sat down, flipped on the television to my favorite hunting channel and proceeded to watch a self-proclaimed habitat “expert” actually promote planting a non-native, invasive shrub called autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) as a … Read More Can be used for erosion control in wet areas and along water courses. long (5-12 cm), covered with silky hairs underneath. Rapidly-growing, adaptable to most soils including wet soils, it features spectacular decorative features : stunning fall color, attractive berries, vibrant red or golden stems and sometimes a lovely variegated summer foliage. Silky Dogwood #FSD1 - Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum) Dense growing shrub with red/maroon bark in winter. Silky Dogwood and Scotch Pine. 630. It has no serious insect or disease issues and is relatively fast-growing. The Division of Forestry promotes and applies management for the sustainable use and protection of Ohio’s private and public forest lands. Natural Browse Plot Deer Movements. The forage shrubs produce--both browse and soft mast- … Be ready to see a variety of wildlife drawn to the Silky Dogwood Shrub as they can attract Song birds, small mammals, deer, and black bear. Do an early spring fertilizer with a product such as Espoma Tree-tone or Plant-tone at the recommended rate this will give the plant a boost of nitrogen that will be needed for healthy abundant foliage. It boasts purple-red stems and oval to elliptic, medium to dark green leaves, 2-5 in. Discussion in 'Native Habitat Management' started by dogghr, Mar 16, 2017. dogghr Well-Known Member. Fruits are dark blue, sometimes with a bit of white. Cornus amomum usually blooms between May and June, producing four-petalled showy yellowish white flowers. Water: Moist to Wet. Once in bloom the flowers will be Yellow and white in color. Discussion in 'Deer Management, Habitat & Conservation' started by Timo, Jan 25, 2013.
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