C-phycocyanin (C-PC), a natural blue dye, has been used in food, immunodiagnostics and analytical reagents. It was found that the PFD and its interactions have a significant influence on the model. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2017.12.068, Markou G, Angelidaki I, Georgakakis D (2012) Microalgae carbohydrates: an overview of the factors influencing carbohydrates production and of main bioconversion technologies for production of biofuels. It is obtained from blue-green algae, where it is attached covalently to phycobiliproteins (C-PC and APC) present in the light harvesting complexes. [1] It has been isolated in Chenghai Lake , China, soda lakes of East Africa, and subtropical, alkaline lakes . Arthrospira is a genus of free-floating filamentous cyanobacteria characterized by cylindrical, multicellular trichomes in an open left-hand helix. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. As LED lamps have unequal values of PFD depending on the region of the bottle surface, through which the light passes, a complete mapping of PFD values was made along 36 points on the surface of the bottle. Krulwich T A. and Guffanti A.A.,(1989) «Alkalophilic bacteria». pH was adjusted from 8.8 to 9.0. (2017), producing maximum yields of 210 mg L−1, 0.98 g g−1 and 772.1 ± 192.9 mg g−1, respectively. Figure 3 shows the FTIR spectrum for EPS samples from A. platensis. Hundreds of fossiliferous units was estimated to reduce the net biomass yield by at least 15 to 20%, but measures to curtail the establishment of these species in the raceway have been devised. 2019; Trabelsi et al. Excessive or insufficient light may affect the biomass productivity and yield of metabolic products (Carvalho et al. In Fig. According to Depraetere et al. (1993) found a non-Newtonian character for EPS dispersions of Spirulina platensis, which was attributed to its polyanionic nature. The condition of 150 µmol fotons.m-2.s-1 white light was the one that promoted the highest biomass production of A. platensis cultures (2115.24 mg.L-1). 2012), respectively. Antibacterial (Mundt et al. washing was carried out in the expanded-bed mode. biomass obtained from different culture media and from different culture conditions (outdoor and indoor) were estimated by microkjeldal method (MicroKjeldahl unit, Pelican equipments). Approximately, 10 mg of sample were heated from 20 to 700 °C, at a 10 °C/min rate. Finally, phycocyanin was further purified by ion exchange chromatography using Q-sepharose and eluted with a complex isocratic system. Antenna Technologie, Genève. IO9201 isolated from Caribbean waters. cells by osmotic shock. transfet de technologie, en matière de culture de Spiruline: 28 -29 et 30 avril 2008.Toliara -SUD-OUEST MADAGASCAR: 8, 9, 89, 91, 131-134. $$\mu \, = \,({\text{lnx2}}\, - \,{\text{lnx1}})/\left( {t_{ 2} \, - \,t_{ 1} } \right),$$, $${\text{Biomass concentration}}\, = \, 1.0 7\, + \,0.0 7 5 5A\, + \,0.0 8 9 2B\, + \,0.0 1 3 8 {\text{AB}}\, + \,0.0 2 4 4 { }A^{ 2} \, - \,0. Mise au point de structures de production à l'échelle villageoise ». 29(6), pages 477-487. Samples were then cooled at 1 degrees C/min to the experimental temperature (-5 to -40 degrees C) where samples were warmed rapidly and cell survival assessed using membrane integrity and metabolic activity. In cryptophyte algae (flagellated unicells of indefinite taxonomic position), phycobiliproteins also serve as major photosynthetic accessory pigments, but phycobilisomes are absent. Photosynthetic cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis ) has been cultivated for mass production in many countries in tropic, subtropical and temperate regions for (1999), the majority of EPS constituents are carbohydrates and proteins. 6 7B\, + \, 1 7. The phycobiliprotein allophycocyanin from the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis has been isolated and crystallized. Influence of culture conditions on the production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by Arthrospira platensis. This activity constitutes a social and economic niche that would be part of a synergistic dynamic of job creation. 2 6 4 6 { }B^{ 2} ,$$, $${\text{EPS yield}}\, = \, 4 4. Part A Harmful Algae and Their Global Distribution 1 An Introduction to Harmful Algae E. GRANELI and J.T. Bioresour Technol 100:3382–3386. The molecular structure of the subunits resembles other solved phycobiliprotein structures. https://doi.org/10.3923/ijp.2015.432.439, Li H, Mao W, Hou Y, Gao Y, Qi X, Zhao C, Chen Y, Chen Y, Li N, Wang C (2012) Preparation, structure and anticoagulant activity of a low molecular weight fraction produced by mild acid hydrolysis of sulfated rhamnan from Monostrom alatissimum. Other studies in the literature using different microorganisms have reported the effect of culture conditions on the EPS content and biomass concentration. London: E & FN Spon. A fraction containing sulfated polysaccharides, at concentrations between 18 and 36 μg mL−1, was shown to inhibit the replication of Koi herpes virus (Reichert et al. Bioresour Technol 114:414–418. V-79W Chinese hamster fibroblasts and Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells were cultured as single attached cells or confluent monolayers. international symposium on Cyanobactérial biotechnology », Bharathidasan University https://doi.org/10.3923/rjes.2015.28.38, Budarin V, Ross AB, Biller P, Riley R, Clark JH, Jones JM, Gilmour DJ, Zimmerman W (2012) Microalgae biorefinery concept based on hydrothermal microwave pyrolysis. exchanger Streamline-DEAE using expanded bed columns, equilibrated with 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The strain Spirulina laxissima SAG 256.80 was included as outgroup. Article  Response surface for biomass (a) and EPS production (b). While the high alkaline pH may favor the overproduction of antioxidants, normal cell metabolism and membrane function is unaffected, as shown by growth and chlorophyll content, which suggests that these conditions are suitable for further studies on the harvest of antioxidants from S. platensis. Nitrogen starvation is known as a stress condition, which favors the accumulation of some reserve products and the production of EPS from cyanobacteria (Lupi et al. For most of these applications, the market is still developing and the biotechnological use of microalgae will extend into new areas. The highest amount of protein (59.8%) was recorded when grown in BG-11. To eliminate residual salt, the samples were resolubilized in distilled water and then dialyzed against water under constant stirring at room temperature for 24 h. The final product was recovered by adding 95% ethyl alcohol and lyophilized. 2013). The optimum conditions for extracting C-PC from dried, frozen biomass, milled to a small diameter, were an extraction time of 1 h, a biomass-to-solvent ratio 0.16:1, and without agitation, obtaining a C-PC concentration of 13.20 mg/mL, purity of 0.603 and extraction yield of 82.48 mg/g. At very low frequencies, the viscous character predominated. (2009b), Chentir et al. However, membrane processing depends on the viscosity of the culture medium, pore size distribution and transmembrane pressure (Li et al. HAYES 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Dinophyta (Dinoflagellates) 2.2.1 General Morphology 2.2.2 Dinophysis 2.2.3 Alexandrium 2.2.4 Protoperidinium, Prorocentrum 2.2.5 Karenia, Karlodinium, Takayama 2.2.6 Amphidinium, Cochlodinium, Gyrodinium 2.3 Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) 2.3.1 Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Nodularia 2.3.2 Microcystis 2.3.3 Trichodesmium 2.4 Bacillariophyta (Diatoms) 2.4.1 Amphora, Pseudo-nitzschia, Nitzschia 2.5 Concluding Remarks References 3 The Biogeography of Harmful Algae N. LUNDHOLM and O. MOESTRUP 3.1 Biogeography and Species Concepts 3.1.1 Genetic Variation 3.2 Biogeographical Distribution 3.3 Distribution of Harmful Species 3.3.1 Dinoflagellates 3.3.2 Diatoms 3.3.3 Haptophytes 3.3.4 Raphidophyceans 3.3.5 Cyanobacteria References 4 Importance of Life Cycles in the Ecology of Harmful Microalgae K.A. volume 7, Article number: 47 (2020) 2009a). Measurements of the PFD were carried out with a QSL 2100 dosimeter from Biospherical Instruments Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA). Environ Sci Pollut Res 17:595–602. TURNER References 2 Molecular Taxonomy of Harmful Algae S. JANSON and P.K. Bioresour Technol 108:211–215. Briefly, the filtered culture medium, which still contained some biomass, was centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 20 min in a Hettich Rotixa centrifuge, model 420R (Andreas Hettich GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen, Germany). Basically the Platensis is too small to capture from the water without damaging the cell. The FTIR spectra showed that the EPS contained sulfate groups, carbohydrate and proteins, while the rheological studies suggested that the EPS exhibited a dilute solution behavior. With the development of sophisticated culture and screening techniques, microalgal biotechnology can already meet the high demands of both the food and pharmaceutical industries. ent culture of Arthrospira with as little maintenance as possible. both processing times and costs. The PFD can influence cyanobacteria photosynthesis. médecine et de pharmacie de Besançon. correlate to the production trait. S. platensis. The broad bands observed around 3400 cm−1 are attributed to O–H and N–H stretching. 2a, the response surface graphics show that the conditions which led to the highest final biomass concentration were a PFD of 600 μE m−2 s−1 and 2 g L−1 NaNO3. Paris. 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The conventional crystallographic R-factor of the final model is 19.6% with data from 8.0 to 2.3 A. Correspondence to All authors read and approved the final manuscript. In that work, A. platensis produced the maximum EPS content at the highest PFD used, 180 μE m−2 s−1, with 297.4 ± 11.1 mg L−1. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses were carried out using a Perkin Elmer spectrometer, Frontier model (Waltham, MA, USA) at room temperature, using KBr disks, in the 4000–400 cm−1 range, with accumulation of 20 scans and 4 cm−1 resolution. NaNO3 starvation contributes to the increase in the C/N ratio. Considering the results, the highest final biomass concentration (1.292 g L−1) was observed under conditions with the highest NaNO3 concentration (2 g L−1). Cultivez votre Spiruline: manuel de culture artisanale. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2012.03.025, Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL, Randall RJ (1951) Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. Privacy Carotenoids decreased to a lesser extent but their composition changed. On the contrary, electronic microscope observation revealed that, during concentration using an eccentric rotor pump or a peristaltic pump, microalgae were not damaged. In this case, the final biomass concentration was observed to increase, reaching 1.2 g L−1 with a NaNO3 concentration of 74.3 mg L−1, but then decreased at values higher than 100 mg L−1. Bioresour Technol 129:343–350. Figure 5a, b shows the variation of storage modulus, G′, and loss modulus, G′′, with the oscillatory frequency. Faculté de The algal dry weight (DW) was greatly enhanced at pH 9.0. Arthrospira platensis is a planktonic filamentous cyanobacterium composed of individual cells (about 8 μm diam. Condition 6 resulted in the highest growth rate (µ = 0.55), in medium with 2 g L−1 of NaNO3 and under 600 μE m−2 s−1 of PFD. The values of the final biomass concentration and the EPS yield are given in Table 1. 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CpcD structure is predicted and modeled on the allophycocyanin-linker complex, showing the direct interaction between clusterspecific residues and chromophores. Jourdan J. P., (1999). PCC 8005 studied by integrating transcriptomic and proteomic approaches. The antioxidants produced by algae alleviate the harmful effects of ROS. Figure 2b shows the response surface obtained for the EPS content (mg g−1). A. platensis growth was monitored by daily measurements of the optical density (O.D.) The result for EPS content found by Trabelsi et al. Université de France-Comite. Cluster analysis showed the separation of all the strains into two main clusters. Phenolic compound increases by altering the culture conditions and antioxidant potential of S. platensis exploit as a nutritional supplement (Colla, 2007). values were related to the biomass concentration. isomorphous replacement. Methods: The crude polysaccharidic fraction was fractionated by anion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, subjected to acetate cellulose electrophoresis and characterized by physicochemical procedures. Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, Cell-biology and Biotechnology. Enzym Microb Technol 16:546–550. European J Appl Microbiol Biotechnology. In: Vonshak A (ed) Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): physiology, cell-biology and biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2012.01.004, CAS  Bioresour Technol 255:293–301. This factor, combined with the efficient utilization of low-wavelength light, indicates the strong adaptation of this strain to its habitat. Pc has been evaluated in twelve experimental models of inflammation and exerted anti-inflammatory effects in a dose-dependent fashion in all of these. (2017). Its biomass is used in human food due to its high protein content (approximately 70% of dry weight). 2014; Villay et al. This microalgae has a wide variety of applications, including its use as a food source. PubMed  « Le pays de Ouargla (Sahara Algérienne) ».Edition département géographique. In A. platensis NIES-46, detailed physiology and culture conditions for hydrogen production have been reported 7. The present study aimed to investigate the growth of Arthrospira, Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis is one of the most cultivated commercial microalgae. Consilio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome. 2013). The mean values were compared by the Tukey’s test considering a confidence level of 95% and level of significance (p < 0.05). AKAp-00500. Charpy L., (2008). © 2015, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. EPS production by cyanobacteria can be influenced by environmental and nutritional conditions, including temperature (Trabelsi et al. Aqueous solutions of EPS 01 (0.25 gL−1 NaNO3 and 200 μE m−2 s−1) and EPS 09 (2 gL−1 NaNO3 and 1000 μE m−2 s−1) were prepared at 5 g L−1 and 10 g L−1, and their rheological properties were investigated. Cookies policy. Ahmed M, Poortvliet TCWM, Wijnholds A, Staland LJ, Hasnain S (2014) Isolation, characterization and localization of extracellular polymeric substances from the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis strain MMG-9. «L'homme et la spiruline : un avenir commun, composition chimique intérêts alimentaires et activités biologiques. Bioprocess. PP : 186. As observed, none of the conditions presented an adaptation phase. years ago. been reported, the antioxidant response to changes in pH levels requires further investigation. Two stages were observed for the EPS from Dunaliella salina; in the first, 15% weight was lost at up to 150 °C. When it was evaluated as an antioxidant in vitro, it was able to scavenge alkoxyl, hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals and to react with peroxinitrite (ONOO(-);) and hypochlorous acid (HOCl). A standard curve was obtained using d-glucose. Isolation, crystallization, crystal structure analysis and refinement of allophycocyanin from the cy... Antioxidant activities of phycocyanobilin prepared from Spirulina platensis. Freezing at −21°C-thawing at 4°C, using an alkaline buffer was the best method for extracting phycocyanin from Synechococcus sp. Arthrospira platensis (Nordstedt) Gomont ATCC ® 29408 ™ test tube For-Profit: $1,200.00 Non-Profit: $1,020.00 They can be used as thickeners, emulsifying agents and biosurfactants, with applications in the food and biomedical industry. It was estimated that in a subtropical climate with little cloudiness, it should be readily possible to obtain an annual output rate of dry mass of ca. Green Chem 14:3251–3254. After adsorption, Live Arthrospira platensis - Spirulina Food for Aquarium Animals and Grow at Home kits - 8 oz (230ml) Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis is a cyanobacteria that is incredibly high in protein, lipids and other nutrients. and Gram-negative sulfate-reducing bacteria at least as early as ~2700 Ma ago.The discrepancy between these dates and those The raceway pond was 6 m long and 1.2 m wide. beta-carotene decreased, while the amount of myxoxanthophyll more than doubled. The highest phenolic content (12.1mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g DW) was recorded at pH 9.5. J Braz Chem Soc 17:844–850. Google Scholar, Lupi FM, Fernandes HML, Tomé MM, Sá-Correia I, Novais JM (1994) Influence of nitrogen source and photoperiod on exopolysaccharide synthesis by the microalga Botryococcus braunii UC 58. statement and Article  2014; Villay et al. Vol V n° 1 1971. p. 246, Adaptation de spiruline du sud de Madagascar à la culture en eau de mer, Mise au point de structures de production à l'échelle villageoise. As yet, no study in the literature has evaluated the combined effect of nitrate (NaNO3) starvation and PFD on the EPS production from A. platensis culture. IO9201. Finally, there was no evidence of the complementary chromatic adaptation phenomenon in A. platensis cultivated under green light. A low level of 2.7% S. maxima caused a significant reduction in plasma, liver and heart alpha-tocopherol levels. Cyanobacteria produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which are co-products of secondary metabolism that present thickening or gelling properties. An improved cheap culture medium for the blue-green microalgae Spirulina. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-007-0411-3, Trabelsi L, M’sakni NH, Ouada HB, Roudesli S (2009a) Partial characterization of extracellular polysaccharides produced by cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis. The experiments were carried out at room temperature (23 °C) in Erlenmeyer flasks at a PFD of 150 μE m−2 s−1 and under constant stirring. to be ignored. Abstract Arthrospira platensis has been photoautotrophical-ly cultivated for the production of high quality biomass. In general, metabolic stress may negatively affect cyanobacteria growth, during which cells use their energy to produce reserve compounds such as carbohydrates and EPS (Santos et al. Google Scholar, Arad S, Levy-Ontman O (2010) Red microalgae cell-wall polysaccharides: biotechnological aspects. Soluble protein was determined by the Folin’s method, using bovine serum albumin as the standard (Lowry et al. 8 8 { }A^{ 2} \, + \, 2 4. In comparison to C-phycocyanin and b-phycoerythrin the major differences arise from deletions and insertions of segments involved in the protein-chromophore interactions. This paper presents the use of a complete factorial design to optimize the extraction of C-PC from cyanobacteria using a procedure without the use of chemical products. (ed) Prospective della coltura di Spirulina in Italia. The aim of the current paper was to develop a novel medium for the large‐scale production of protein‐rich Arthrospira with potential applications as a biofertilizer. In this sense, extraction processes that allow maximum protein yield and total utilization of biomass is an urgent need, and ultrasonic waves have proven to be an effective extraction technique.
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