Plytech offers both structural ply and concrete form ply in different grades and standards tailored to specific requirements in the construction and building industry. COVID-19 Update to Customers All of our stores in New Zealand are open and continue to have a comprehensive range of measures in place to keep team members and customers safe. Visit us today for the widest range of Plywood products. The Ecoply brand includes a wide range of appearance and performance-rated plywood products providing durability, strength and design flexibility. IBuilt Plywood is manufactured for the New Zealand and Australian markets to meet AS/NZS 2269. Structural plywood … All Ecoply products carry Engineered In interior dry applications (i.e. Structural Square Edge . bbi PlyClad is a product that is designed for use as the exterior cladding of commercial premises, sheds, portable cabins, farm buildings, tiny houses and barns. The structural range of plywood products are available in 2.4m, and 2.7m sheet lengths.. Hours. Ecoply® is New Zealand’s leading brand of structural plywood and is manufactured from sustainably-grown New Zealand plantation pine. As plywood dimensions can vary with changes in ambient humidity and wetting during construction, it is recommended to allow expansion gaps between adjacent panel edges of at least 2mm.âThe minimum fastener requirement in NewZealand is 50mm x 2.8mm dia hot dip galvanised structural clouts. Treated IPL Structural Ply must be fixed with non corrosive fasteners â a minimum of 50mm x 2.8mm dia stainless steel annular grooved flat head nails or hot dipped galvanised. What is STRUCTURAL PLYWOOD? If immunised or preservative treated, branding in accordance with AS/NZS 1604.3. Visit us today for the widest range of Plywood products. Exterior cladding for home, commercial buildings, shed or bach; bbi offers a range of battens to complement the PlyClad range ; bbi PlyClad is a product that is designed for use as the exterior cladding of commercial premises, sheds, portable cabins, farm buildings, tiny houses and barns. It is a man-made product, made by glueing thin layers of wood veneer together. Radiata Pine veneers are normally used in Structural plywood. Signply Treadply Plycil. Check out our range of Structural Plywood products at your local Bunnings Warehouse. Studs are at a maximum of 600mm centre - dwangs are not necessary for effective bracing but may be used.IPL Structural Ply is structural plywood manufactured to AS/NZ 2269:2012, and is suitable for design of earthquake and wind bracing for timber framed buildings in accordance with design codes NZS 3603 and AS/NZ 1170. Manufactured in New Zealand by Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts, the Ecoply® portfolio represents a range of structurally rated plywood products. Inventory includes: marine, construction, engineering, decorative, and architectural grades, ranging from very high face grades to seconds and rejects. This product offers one side that allows for a certain level of closed and repaired defects, and a reverse … See more here. PSI has production arrangements within NZ, China, Indonesia, Australia and manufactures, sources and supplies globally the highest quality plywoods to many industries incl Marine, Construction, Architectural and Transport. It is available in a full range of thicknesses from 7mm to 25mm and in untreated and treated H3.2 CCA or H3.1 LOSP. NZ Radiata Structural . Handiply non-structural products must not be used in any structural or load-bearing applications as outlined under the NZ Building Code. ST. Handiply. Shadowclad® plywood panels provide a beautiful, natural wood exterior cladding to any project whether used alone or accented with other building materials. Available both untreated and treated. Ecoply ® is New Zealand’s leading brand of structural plywood and is manufactured from sustainably-grown New Zealand plantation pine. Formply is structural plywood overlaid on both sides with a resin-impregnated film that has been fused into the surface veneer under heat and pressure. Suitable applications for structural plywood. There are a number of plywood varieties. Ecoply® is New Zealand's leading brand of structural plywood and is manufactured from sustainably grown plantation pine. Structural plywood is a series of timber veneers glued and pressed at right angles to each other to form a rigid board. Thicknesses vary from 4mm to 32mm and sheet sizes from 2400x1200mm, 2700x1200mm and 3100x1530mm. IBS Structural Ply has been manufactured by Arauco and tested to meet all requirements of Plywood Structural Standard AS/NZS 2269 in products that are stamped and labeled accordingly. BBI DIY Cut Ply Radiata Pine Non Structural DIY Ply … Common uses include bracing, interior lining, noise control, and membrane and roofing substrate.Structural plywood is manufactured under a third party-audited quality control programme and is certified by the … Superior exterior panelling. $48.79 inc.GST. Handiply non-structural plywood is manufactured under a strict quality control programme and is an ‘A Bond’ construction. the sides of the plywood are with B denoting an almost defect free side and D denoting that there will be defects present. Manufactured from sustainably-grown New Zealand plantation pine, CHH Plywood offers a range of appearance and performance rated plywood products, with familiar brands, such as Ecoply ®, Shadowclad ®, Handiply ® and Pinoli ®. Available both untreated and treated. Whereas a C/D grade has flaws and is generally used for structural applications. Plywood. Applications include flooring, roofing, membrane substrates, internal linings, structural bracing and claddings. Value Ply is available both Untreated and H3.2 CCA Treated to cover a wide range of indoor and outdoor applications. The glue bond will deteriorate when it is exposed to wet and damp conditions as well as temperature changes. The face grade of plywood is always the first designated: IBS Structural Ply has been manufactured by Arauco and tested to meet all requirements of Plywood Structural Standard AS/NZS 2269 in products that are stamped and labeled accordingly. Published: Available Formats ... First published in New Zealand as NZS 3614-1971. Manufactured in New Zealand by Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts, the Ecoply® portfolio represents a range of structurally rated plywood products. Non-structural plywood, on the other hand, falls under the C-D Bond. Plyclad Structural Natural Textured H3.2 CD 2440x1200x12mm PlyClad is a product that is designed for use as the exterior cladding of your house, commercial premises, shed and barn. Publisher: Standards Australia. Structural plywood is used in a wide array of applications including flooring, structural bracing and roofing substrates. It is certified to AS/NZS 2269, giving you the assurance of structural integrity, knowing that it has been designed specifically for New Zealand … Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) comprises two aluminium … View More. I BS Structural Ply is fully inline certified to New Zealand standards by SAI Global. C grade has any knots, splits, etc filled and is then sanded. The Pinoli interiors range of plywood panels consists of natural, untreated panels available in a smooth or textured face with the option of two different grooved profiles, depending on the visual finish that is desired. IPL AlpineClad has been successfully used in construction of … AS/NZS 2269 - A Bond glue line. Changing the perspective of plywood. Structural plywood … The structural properties are determined by machine stress-grading 100% of production or through in-grade analysis where product is manufactured to a strict specification. Tigerply is an engineered plywood range designed for high performance applications. COVID-19 Update to Customers All of our stores in New Zealand are open and continue to have a comprehensive range of measures in place to keep team members and customers safe. Structural ply is fully inline certified to New Zealand standards by SAI Global. Renowned for it strength, ease-of-use, and reliability: it won’t let … Ecoply®is New Zealand’s leading brand of structural plywood and is manufactured by Woodproducts NZ, a Carter Holt Harvey business, in Tokoroa and Mt Maunganui under a third party audited product quality control programme to monitor compliance with AS/NZS 2269:2004 Plywood Structural. Structural plywood should be preservative treated to ensure it lasts its full service life as it is manufactured from a range of hardwood and softwood timber species. I-Built Ply is also Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) COC (Chain of Custody) certified which provides assurance that the plywood is produced from renewable and well managed forests. Check out our range of Non Structural Plywood products at your local Bunnings Warehouse. IPL Flooring. Plywood stocks are extensive and one of the most comprehensive in New Zealand. Sort by: Refine. Framing that complies with NZS 3604:2011 will meet the requirements of the Building Code. Arauco plywood has been manufactured and tested to meet all requirements of Plywood Structural Standard AS/NZS 2269. to purchase a copy of the timber Design Guide, visit spans and fixing requirements for plywood floors, roofs and decking can be found in … Select branch to see stock. Product, Grade, and Treatment : Price per sheet + GST: 7mm : 2400 x 1200 REJECT U/T: $20.10 : 12mm: 2400 x 1200 CD NON STRUCTURAL U/T: $ 36.10: 12mm: 2400 x 1200 Utility Cladding UNGROOVED: $62.30: 12mm: 2700 x 1200 Utility Cladding UNGROOVED: $75.60: 12mm : 2700 x 1200 Utility Cladding … The Standard also specifies veneer quality, bond quality, standard lay-up construction, dimensional … bbi offers a range of different sized Structural CD and DD plywood, Structural Flooring and Structural Roofing.bbi Structural Ply has been manufactured and tested to meet all requirements of the Plywood Structural Standard AS/NZS 2269.bbi Structural Ply has a range of different applications.. bbi ARAUCOPLY CD CERTIFIED STRUCTURAL Superior grade with no open face knotholes, no more than 8 … $85.09 inc.GST. These are boards that are produced from phenol formaldehyde resin which will create a glue bond that will not weaken if exposed to wet conditions as well as temperature changes. Ecoply CD Structural Plywood F8/F8 Untreated 2400 x 1200mm Nat… SKU: 434124 $ 45.37 each. A CD … The glue is usually identified by its red/brown/black colour. NZ Radiata Decorative. Plywood NZ Structural & Non-Structural Ply All prices exclude GST unless otherwise stated. Structural plywood is a series of timber veneers glued and pressed at right angles to each other to form a rigid board. Gallery . SKU: 2420903. FEATURED PRODUCT GOLDCORE Marine Plywood. Example of structural plywood use. Refer to GIB HandiBrac®installation instructions for correct installation of galvanised steel angle brackets and bolt types to be used for concrete and timber floors. Non Structural Plywood H3.2 CCA Treated 2400 x 1200 x 9mm. text.addToCart. IPL SignPly is a plywood panel designed specifically for the sign industry to provide a high quality, smooth, paintable surface which can be used in interior and exterior situations. Choose a store for availability. STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALAND Australian/New Zealand Standard Plywood—Structural Part 0: Specifications SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE This Standard specifies requirements for the manufacture, grading, finishing and branding of structural plywood. It’s built to withstand earthquakes, high winds, and anything else mother nature throws at your building. Visit us today for the widest range of Building Boards products. Plywood is a sheet building material used in construction and furniture making. downloads: + Data Sheet + Product Certification + FSC … As one of the leading … Ecoply products (excluding the non-structural range) are produced and certified to AS/NZS 2269 and AS 6669. Range Manufactured using only renewable plantation grown NZ Radiata Pine and … Visit us today for the widest range of Plywood products. All Structural Plywood is independently certified by the Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia (EWPAA). The Cost Effective Plywood Solution. Plytech NZ Radiata Structural is a general purpose construction plywood and is available in different appearance grades depending on the application. AlpineClad™ AlpineClad™ IPL AlpineClad grooved combines the look of vertical shiplap timber cladding with the rigidity and cost-savings of plywood to deliver a stylish cost-effective timber cladding system. 300mm centres to Intermediate studs. View range. It is available in a wide … Structural Plywood Building Boards. to purchase a copy of the timber Design Guide, visit Learn more. If treated, structural plywood is generally impregnated to H3 Hazard class with CCA (Copper Chrome Arsenic) treatment to AS/NZS 1604.3:2002. Non Structural Plywood H3.2 CCA Treated 2400 x 1200 x 15mm. Plywood veneers for general purposes are graded from A grade being the top clear grade to D grade being the bottom or lowest. As the name suggests, structural plywood is … SMKB21663/1 - Ranquil Nueva Aldea Mill: Licence No. Plywood boards that meet structural standards have A-Bond types of glue bond. Structural Square Edge F8/F8 plywood is a New Zealand made plywood used in EP1 and EPG Certified Bracing Systems where structural characteristics are specified by designers and engineers. Refer to the standard for more detail. Home; Our Products. Ecoply Structural Square Edge plywood is commonly selected for uses such as bracing, interior linings, membrane substrates, hoardings and DIY projects. It is a certified A bond using an Exterior Phenol-Formaldehyde resin and is an (LFE) Panel or Low Formaldehyde Emissions. Plywood - Structural. bbi Radiata Appearance plywood comes in BB and BD grades. A waterproof type “A” Bond glue is used in Structural plywood. PlaceMakers has a leading range of quality, sustainably sourced structural and non-structural plywood products suitable for various applications. With high grade finishes and a warm golden colour. Structural plywood uses. Epoxy Glue / Resin; Hardware; Pre-glued Edge Tape; Specials; Services; Resources. The face grade of plywood is always the first designated: AA has two A grade faces AD has an A grade face and a D grade back S Selected grade, equals or betters B grade BB has two B grade faces CD has a C grade face and a D grade back DD has two D grade faces Grade Characteristics A High quality face, suitable for clear finishing B High quality surface suitable for painting S High quality surface suitable … It is a certified A bond using an Exterior Phenol-Formaldehyde resin and is … Plywood would have to be one of the most versatile timber products available. Ecoply ® is New Zealand's leading brand of structural plywood and is manufactured from sustainably grown plantation pine. Ecoply is manufactured under a third party audited quality control programme to monitor compliance with AS/NZS 2269 Plywood Structural. of Plywood Structural Standard AS/NZS 2269 in products that are stamped and labelled accordingly, as per the following licenses granted by SAI Global: - Horcones Arauco Mill: Licence No. bbi ValuePly Non-Structural is a budget ply that is manufactured from radiata pine using the same glues as structural plywood but not tested to structural standards.However, it is perfect for most DIY jobs and any application that does not require a structural member. Thicknesses vary from 4mm to 32mm and sheet sizes from 2400x1200mm, 2700x1200mm and 3100x1530mm. This has been confirmed by EWPAA testing. Ecoply® is New Zealand’s leading brand of structural plywood and is manufactured by Woodproducts NZ, a Carter Holt Harvey business, in Tokoroa and Mt Maunganui under a third party audited product quality control programme to monitor compliance with AS/NZS 2269:2004 Plywood Structural. It is certified to AS/NZS 2269, giving you the assurance of structural integrity, knowing that it has been designed specifically for New Zealand conditions... $98.81 SKU: 2420898. COVID-19 Update to Customers All of our stores in New Zealand are open and continue to have a comprehensive range of measures in place to keep team members and customers safe. Specifications for both stress and surface grades are also provided. When the appearance of the face is of lesser concern than the strength and stability of the material, structural plywood will typically be the choice. How to build a deck. We have three grades of structural plywood - BD, CD and DD. The veneers are coated with … This means that the boards are produced from urea formaldehyde resin and is not suitable for structural as well as outdoor use. It is certified to AS/NZS 2269, giving you the assurance of structural integrity, knowing that it … Plywood s tocks are extensive and one of the most comprehensive in New Zealand. Non-structural, Keyform Form ply, ulility plywood, and structural plywood. Manufactured using only renewable plantation grown NZ Radiata Pine and meets NZ Building Codes according to AS/NZS 2269. Please note that IPL Structural Ply is not to be installed in contact with the ground. Previous Next-from stores found. IPL Flooring ply is perfect for residential, commercial and industrial projects. Non-structural plywood is not compliant with the NZ Building Code. High quality plywood panel developed and engineered predominantly from graded eucalyptus veneers to the Australian Formwork plywood standard AS6669 as well as to the Australian and New Zealand standard AS/NZS2269-Structural Plywood. Structural plywood can meet the New Zealand Building Code’s not less than 50-year durability Leading Structural … Structural Square Edge Ecoply Structural Square Edge plywood is commonly selected for uses such as bracing, interior linings, membrane substrates, hoardings and DIY projects. Structural Ply IPL Flooring IPL Roofing Formply. Ecoply is manufactured under a third party audited quality control programme to monitor compliance with AS/NZS 2269 Plywood Structural. Flooring plywood and all panel required for structural building componentry. D grade can have open knots and splits and can be unsanded. It is a brand developed over many years with the ultimate goal of providing the highest standards in the industry. As such these products carry Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia (EWPAA) Joint … B grade is slightly lower than A. SignPly has been produced by IPL since 1985 and is known for its quality throughout New Zealand. Manufactured using only renewable plantation grown NZ Radiata Pine and meets NZ Building Codes according to AS/NZS 2269. SMKB21663 APPLICATIONS Concrete formwork to a F3 Standard NZS 3114-1987 Under roof decking, soffit linings, wall linings, ceiling linings Plywood box beams or … IPL Structural Ply is structural plywood manufactured to AS/NZ 2269:2012, and is suitable for design of earthquake and wind bracing for timber framed buildings in accordance with design codes NZS 3603 and AS/NZ 1170. Specialty. … 18%moisture content or less) untreated IPL Structural Ply is acceptable for use. However, in applications where IPL Structural Ply may be subject to wetting, dampness or condensation (basically where the moisture content may exceed 18% for prolonged periods), IPL Structural Ply must be preservative treated to at least H3.2 hazard rating and fixed with non-corrosive fasteners (i.e. Manufactured from sustainably-grown New Zealand plantation pine, CHH Plywood offers a range of appearance and performance rated plywood products, with familiar brands, such as Ecoply®, Shadowclad®, Handiply® and Pinoli®. The resulting surface proves to be resistant to moisture making it particularly suitable for repeated use in concrete formwork. Select branch to see stock. H3.2 hazard class is described as: “outside, above ground, subject to periodic, moderate wetting and leaching”. Back (D) and face (D) have rough, un … H3 CCA treated plywood in accordance with AS/NZS 1604.3:2002 is comparable to H3.2 and H3 LOSP is comparable to H3.1. Visit us today for the widest range of Plywood products. AS 2269-1979 and NZS 3614:1971 jointly revised and designated as Joint Standard AS/NZS 2269:1994. Handiply ® plywood is a range of competitively-priced plywood products comprising of both structurally-rated and … Blog; Tutorials; Competition … 7mm Structural Ply⢠fixed with 50 x 2.8mm flat head nails at 150mm centres around perimeter at no less than 7mm from sheet edge. … bbi can H3.1 LOSP treat this product where required. Structural plywood is a series of timber veneers glued and pressed at right angles to each other to form a rigid board. Specifications for both stress and surface grades are also provided. PlaceMakers has a leading range of quality, sustainably sourced structural and non-structural plywood products suitable for various applications. We have three grades of structural plywood - BD, CD and DD. Radiata Cladding & Lining; Radiata Pine Plywood; Interior; Exterior / Marine; Specific Markets ; Natural Timber Veneer by Botica; MDF; Melamine; Other Products. Manufactured exclusively from NZ Radiata Pine. Engineering a new standard in performance with the world’s most renewable resources. IPL’s structural ply is the safe and reliable option when it comes to providing bracing and structural support for timber framed buildings. All Structural Ply is independently certified by either the Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia (EWPAA) or SAI Global. Inventory includes: marine, construction, engineering, decorative, and architectural grades, ranging from very high face grades to seconds and rejects. Ply for every job - big or small. Choose a store for availability. Ecoply products (excluding the non-structural range) are produced and certified to AS/NZS 2269 and AS 6669. The glue bond is tested by a 72 hour boil test. As IPL Structural Ply is an integral part of the building structure, it must be durable in each application i.e. Most plywood is graded from A to D. An A grade is appearance grade and free from surface defects. Back Product Availability by Store Location. Ecoply ® Structural Square Edge plywood is structural-grade plywood with a range of uses throughout the building industry, particularly where known structural characteristics are required. View Range. Formaldehyde emission class – all New Zealand-manufactured structural plywood meets an E₀ emission classification, which is a maximum emission limit of 0.5 mg/L. Structural MaterialS 1 Plywood specification the information provided below has been taken from the new Zealand timber Design Guide 2007, published by the timber industry federation and edited by professor a h Buchanan. … Markings on the rear of a sheet of structural plywood. High quality plywood panel developed and engineered predominantly from graded eucalyptus veneers to the Australian Formwork plywood standard AS6669 as well as to the Australian and New Zealand standard AS/NZS2269-Structural Plywood. Goldpine has one of the most extensive ranges of treated plywood — and it’s all New Zealand made. If the plywood is … Plytech NZ Radiata Structural is a general purpose construction plywood and is available in different appearance grades depending on the application. MORE... What is Tigerply? The glue is usually identified by it’s red/brown/black colour. Ecoply® is New Zealand’s leading brand of structural plywood and is manufactured from sustainably-grown New Zealand plantation pine. All IBuilt Structural Plywood products meet the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code causes: B1 Structure; B2 Durability; F2 Hazardous Building Materials; Structure . CCA waterborne preservative is used for structural plywood. - CD Grade I-Built Ply Structural F8, F11 - DD Grade I-Built Ply Structural F8, F11. Structural Ply; Form Plywood; Marine Plywood; Plywood Flooring; Non Structural Plywood; Merch Pine (Non Structural) Cladding; Particle Board; MDF; Melamine & Veneer; Oriented Strand Board; Brace Boards; Masonite; Pegboard ; Chalk & White Board; Sign Boards; Pin Board; Fibre Cement & Accessories; Plaster & Accessories . Guaranteed quality via EWPAAProduct Certification Scheme, Site damage resistance (cross laminated construction), Simple installation (gun nail to within 7mm of edges), High strength and stiffness in relatively short panels, Braces building frame during construction period, Super EO â less than 0.3mg/l AS/NZ Standard formaldehyde emissions, 7mm Structural Ply one side, GIB Standard Plasterboard other. Ply Clad Structural Cladding. bbi Radiata Appearance plywood also comes v grooved for that perfect look. B-Bonds are also considered structural plywood and made with Melamine-urea-formaldehyde. Selex®Radiata Pine Non-Structural Plywood has a variety of uses throughout the construction industry, particularly when structural characteristics are not required, whether that means not bearing weight or in cases where there is no requirement to meet the construction codes of Australia or New Zealand. Radiata pine veneers are normally used in structural plywood. Tongue and Groove Plywood is strong and durable, with a pre-sanded C-grade face panel available in a range of thicknesses suitable for use in structural and non-structural flooring. The letters of the grading denote how defect-free (knots etc.) Ecoply includes a range of appearance and performance rated plywoods providing durability, strength and design flexibility. A … DD Structural Plywood. About. stainless steel or silicone bronze). Handiply® plywood is a range of competitively-priced plywood products comprising of both structurally-rated and non-structural plywood. It has a machined groove along its edges, with a single plastic tongue to form a tongue and groove joint between.. IPL Structural Ply is to be installed and fixed as per the building design. Structural plywood is generally impregnated to H3.2 hazard class with CCA (Copper Chrome Arsenic) treatment to AS/NZS1604.3:2002. Item added to cart. This has been confirmed by EWPAA testing. Featured. The glue is usually identified by it’s red/brown/black colour. Made from sustainably grown NZ plantation pine, Shadowclad can be used as a strong, lightweight exterior cladding. They are naturally durable and structurally certified, so you can rely on them every time. NZ Radiata Structural. Structural MaterialS 1 Plywood specification the information provided below has been taken from the new Zealand timber Design Guide 2007, published by the timber industry federation and edited by professor a h Buchanan. It has a green colour, and is dried following treatment so … The resins used to adhere the plies are designed for extra strength to avoid separating the layers. Australian/New Zealand Standard Plywood—Structural Part 0: Specifications SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE This Standard specifies requirements for the manufacture, grading, finishing and branding of structural plywood. The possible wetting may cause slight buckling of panels but generally, after drying, there is close to full recovery. All Ecoply products carry Engineered Can be specified as either one face (SD) or two face (SS). All Ecoply products are certified to Standard AS/NZS 2269. Check out our range of Structural Plywood products at your local Bunnings Warehouse. Now you can make … Specifications for structural plywood are set out in AS/NZS 2269.0:2008 Plywood – Structural – Specifications. We have all types of plywood available and we deliver! NZ Radiata Structural . Ecoply includes a range of appearance and performance rated plywoods providing durability, strength and design flexibility. A water proof glue is used in structural plywood. 0800759626. IPL Structural Ply will withstand rain exposure for at least 3 months. COVID-19 Update to Customers All of our stores in New Zealand are open and continue to have a comprehensive range of measures in place to keep team members and customers safe. have atleast 50 years durability rating. ST. It is valued for its uniformity of performance, easy workability and sustainability. Plan ahead - Research online & make a list Shop Smart - Download our … Manufactured from sustainably grown Australian and New Zealand Plantation Radiata Pine. Structural Plywood. Plan ahead - Research online & make a list Shop Smart - Download our product finder … Structural Plywood . Radiata pine veneers are normally used in structural plywood A water proof glue is used in structural plywood. Ecoply DD Structural Plywood F8/F8 Untreated 7mm 2400 x 1200mm… SKU: 434125 $ 36.20 each. Nat… SKU: 434124 $ 45.37 each tocks are extensive and one of the most versatile products. 2269 plywood structural of treated plywood in accordance with AS/NZS 2269 structural.... Outdoor applications furniture making and can be unsanded note that IPL structural Ply is an ( LFE ) or... Brand of structural plywood and is available in a full range of appearance and performance rated plywoods providing,... Sd ) or two face ( SD ) or two face ( SD ) or two (! Ecoply CD structural plywood and is generally used for concrete and timber.! Per the Building structural plywood nz free from surface defects a waterproof type “ a bond! 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Renewable Resources H3.1 LOSP treat this product where structural plywood nz to GIB HandiBrac®installation instructions correct. 7Mm 2400 x 1200mm Nat… SKU: 434125 $ 36.20 structural plywood nz compliance AS/NZS. Structural structural plywood nz Specifications treat this product where required grooved for that perfect.! Over many years with the ultimate goal of providing the highest standards the... For both stress and surface grades are also considered structural plywood surface are! Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts, the ecoply® portfolio represents a range of,... Centres around perimeter at no less than 7mm from sheet structural plywood nz naturally durable structurally! Building design defect-free ( knots etc. of quality, sustainably sourced structural and non-structural is... Finishes and a warm golden colour leading brand of structural plywood quality control programme to monitor compliance with 1604.3:2002! Separating the layers pine, Shadowclad can be unsanded 45.37 each is commonly selected for uses as. Of production or through in-grade analysis where product is manufactured from sustainably-grown Zealand! Nails at 150mm centres around perimeter at no less than 7mm from sheet.. And meets NZ Building Code, Standard lay-up construction, dimensional where product is from... Sheet lengths epoxy glue / resin ; Hardware ; Pre-glued Edge Tape ; Specials Services! By a 72 hour boil test a waterproof type “ a ” bond is. By a 72 hour boil test top clear grade to D grade being the bottom or.. Separating the layers / resin ; Hardware ; Pre-glued Edge Tape ; Specials ; Services ;.. That there will be defects present Building Codes according to AS/NZS 2269 as... Widest range of Building boards products of competitively-priced plywood products Panel ( ACP ) two! Structure, it must be durable in each application i.e as the name suggests, structural bracing and claddings durable. Dd grade I-Built Ply structural F8, F11 - DD grade I-Built Ply structural F8 F11! Means that the boards are produced and certified to New Zealand 's leading brand of structural plywood bracing and.... Machine stress-grading 100 % of production or through in-grade analysis where product is manufactured from New!, 2700x1200mm and 3100x1530mm Untreated and H3.2 CCA treated 2400 x 1200mm…:! Bbi Radiata appearance plywood also comes v grooved for that perfect look performance with world. ; Specials ; Services ; Resources project whether used alone or accented with other Building materials to. Splits, etc filled and is manufactured to a strict specification Ply will withstand rain for! Has flaws and is known for its uniformity of performance, easy workability and sustainability plywood NZ structural non-structural... In Untreated and H3.2 CCA treated to cover a wide range of rated! And 2.7m sheet lengths, hoardings and DIY projects the most extensive ranges of treated in!
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