a Siberian Weeping Pea Shrub) about a month and a half ago. It leafed out fine and flowered out with its small yellow flowers this spring. On the weeping varieties, prune out any growth that occurs on the trunk below the point where the weeping branches emerge. Gardeners may find white to grayish-brown patches on caragana leaves. I planted a Caragana Walker (aka. Pinnately compound leaves create a lovely fern like texture to complement the flowers that are held on dark, glossy-green stems. Mature caragana stands should not be trimmed to less than three metres in width. Very tolerant of cold temperatures. Weeping willow only has half its leaves. The shrub that wears Winter well: Weeping caragana, where snow and ice coat the octopus-like branches, making cold look cool. Trimming and pruning must be done during the dormant period (October-April) and is best done during cold weather since cleaner cutting results. Unusually for a conifer, weeping larch is deciduous, dropping its needles in the fall. As the disease progresses, leaves turn yellow, curl, deform and defoliate off of the caragana shrub. Plant Family: Fabaceae. The branches don't arch outward far before they head straight down. Feature as a single specimen or in small groups. Weeping larch (Larix decidua "Pendula") is a moderately fast-growing European larch cultivar that grows to a modest height of 10 to 12 feet, boasting long, weeping branches. Yellow pea shaped flowers in summer. This mildew-looking growth occurs on the tops and bottoms of leaves. Asked May 28, 2015, 10:42 AM EDT. However, now the tree looks like it is dying. Dark green summer foliage turns yellow in fall. Cascading weeping branches grace this shrub, bearing small yellow pea-like flowers in spring. Top-trimming a caragana shelterbelt reduces windthrow of old, weak branches and encourages new growth. Weeping Caragana is not new to the trade, but it is so unique and extremely hardy we felt compelled to offer this to our customers. How to Prune Caragana. The branches on the other side look dead and if you bend them they snap. Weeping Pea Shrub Caragana arborescens 'Pendula' Plant Details: Plant Type: Shrub. I have a weeping willow that has thrived for 15 years. The low-growing types can be maintained as low as 3 feet tall with regular pruning. Drought tolerant once established. This year, it only has leaves on half the tree. Weeping Siberian Peashrub Caragana arborescens 'Pendula' Sku #2256. The first thing you’ll notice are its weeping branches that arch ever so slightly before plunging towards the ground but never reaching it. Caragana arborescens 'Walker' has very small, fine, fern-like foliage and is called Walker weeping caragana. Dwarf and weeping varieties of caragana are available. Commonly called Siberian peashrub, Caragana arborescens is a perennial species of leguminous shrub grown for its airy foliage and dainty, pale yellow flowers. Cascading branches with coarse dark green foliage make this an excellent accent plant. I live in NE Ohio, so I know it will with stand the cold of winters here. Small tree form accent plant with weeping branches. Plant Description: Large deciduous shrub native to Manchuria and Siberia. Great focal accent to the landscape, best combined with under plantings. Powdery mildew spreads through the wind and rainwater.
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