Mike "Skid" Aquino needs a kidney transplant

Our friend and teammate Mike "Skid" Aquino needs a kidney transplant. He is currently in the hospital due to kidney failure, a complication of diabetes. If you have Type O blood, please consider being a live donor.

Why are we looking for a live donor?
Currently, the wait time for a donor is 3-6 years, depending on blood type. Until a compatible donor is found, Skid will need to undergo dialysis three times a week.

This from the UCSF website: "Most kidneys for transplant are from people who have died and whose families give permission for organ donation. However, there are not enough of these organs for everyone who needs one. Nationally, more than 70,000 patients are on the kidney transplant waiting list, and more are added each year. Because of the organ shortage, living donor kidney transplants are an important option."

Who pays for expenses?
Expenses for all organ transplants, including the required testing to determine if the donor is a good match, are paid by the recipient's insurance.

What is it like to donote a kidney?
Another member of our team donated a kidney to a friend. If you have questions about what the experience is like, we'll put you in touch with Seth.

You can also help by putting the word out.

You can contact us at info@desertdingo.com


We received this email from Becky Waller from The Greatest Gift Foundation:

Hey, just saw a post and your “Desert Dingo” web page via a search for articles on living donors. I’m so sorry to hear about Mike and his need and I really hope a live kidney donor comes forward! I’m a past living donor myself, and it changed my life and saved my brother’s. It’s miraculous what can be done — please pass on to Skid my thoughts are with him!!!

Also, if any potential donors do come forward, tell them about http://greatestgift.wordpress.com. It’s my blog written specifically for living donors to help them through that experience. If you’re sending out a message to friends and family and the community, for example, you can tell them that if they have any questions about what’s involved, what it’s like to go through it, how people have managed the donation with families and work and school etc., they can come to our foundation and talk one on one or in groups via email with other living donors who have been there.

All my best to Skid!!! I know a donor is out there!

Becky Waller
Greatest Gift Foundation


Desert Dingo Racing