Hey all,
We're racing the Baja 1000 again this year and thought it would be great to invite everyone along. Here's all you have to do: Post a tweet that includes #WDD09 and #DesertDingo and we'll carry your Twitter name in the official World Diabetes Day off road race car.

We'll be heading down to Mexico beginning on Tuesday, November 17 and the race starts on Friday, November 20. You can follow us on the blog and on Twitter at @DesertDingo .

Monday, November 16 - Depart for San Diego

Tuesday, November 17 - Caravan to Ensenada, set up, pre-running

Wednesday, November 18, More work on the car, more testing

Thursday, November 19 - Contingency booth, car in tech inspection

Friday, November 20 - Race start (approximately noon start for Class 11)

Saturday, November 21 - Race finish.

Here's who's riding with us so far:


P.S. If you like this idea, maybe you'd consider recording a 12 second video for us.

Desert Dingo Racing